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How long is a piece of string? Seriously, there is no answer to that question. It all depends on how your craft is built. From what I have heard, FAR actually makes is slightly easier to attain orbit if you do everything right.

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I think the point payload is making is that with FAR it depends much more on your ship, specifically the drag your ship has. If your design is aerodynamically horrible it might be more, if it is a smooth shape it might be a lot less.

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I think the point payload is making is that with FAR it depends much more on your ship, specifically the drag your ship has. If your design is aerodynamically horrible it might be more, if it is a smooth shape it might be a lot less.

Yes i understood this point there isn't at least a approximately value?

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My testing in FAR was reaching orbit in the 3200-3500 delta-V if I remember correctly. Quite a bit less than without it. Mind you, even after trying to make things aerodynamic, a few of my monstrosities were still taking 4200 delta-V.

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My testing in FAR was reaching orbit in the 3200-3500 delta-V if I remember correctly. Quite a bit less than without it. Mind you, even after trying to make things aerodynamic, a few of my monstrosities were still taking 4200 delta-V.

Thanks, this is what i need ;)

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