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Challenge : More fast! In kerbin?

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My record: 2910m/S (a record(not me) is 8500m/S but you have screenshoot of the challenge?)

More fast? Challenge easy. Only Kerbin (in kerbin, or not in space).




Not use cheat, not use mod .

EDIT: yes, sorry i have failed .

you have to show the altimeter for show in the kerbin (0 at 100 000 meters)

Edited by Snrasha
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Hey Snrasha

You might want to think about defining what your challenge is about.

Is this a challenge to go fast in Kerbin's atmosphere? In Kerbin's SOI? "Only Kerbin" doesn't really tell anyone what they should be doing to participate in this challenge.

Is [thread=27296]this[/thread] along the lines of what you were going for? If so, I'd suggest figuring out what is different about your challenge, and try to clearly lay out how people would participate. Remember, it's the rules that define the game. If English isn't your first language and you think you might want a hand in writing those rules, feel free to PM me.

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My record: 2910Km/h (a record(not me) is 8500Km/h but you have screenshoot of the challenge?)

More fast? Challenge easy. Only Kerbin.



Not use cheat, not use mod .

They are m/s, not Km/h.

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