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My most practical spacecraft so far - the Evolved Dragon R


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The Evolved Dragon R is the latest development of a series of rockets which began with someone\'s model of a Delta Heavy (with 6 boosters - in reality it only has 2!). It was originally built way back in version 0.8.2(!!!!) - it had to be totally rebuilt once symmetry became available (or perhaps because I finally figured out how come there was a wagon wheel at the top left of the VAB!).

Earlier models used structural SRBs - I know, it\'s not very Kerbal; but I always liked liquid-fueled stages rather than solids, so the SRBs were simply there to allow parallel staging. The extra mass of the boosters necessitated the core stage burning from the start. In later models, I have used Sunday Punch\'s SL-55 Aerodynamic Decoupler, so there is no need for solid boosters at all! ( :o )

Also, the lighter spacecraft allows more RCS fuel and a true 2-stage system, as the core stage can now be lofted unburnt.

As the wings have been articulated and now do stuff (:) ) the Dragon series has sprouted various wings, and the current configuration makes it highly maneuverable in atmosphere.

The 'R' in the designation comes from the RCS system, introduced in version 0.11X2. RCS is a game changer. The Dragon R has lots of RCS engines, making the core stage maneuverable and the Command/Service Module extremely so. Earlier versions had two LFTs in the Command/Service Module, but since the introduction of RCS this is simply overkill; one tank is plenty for all but the most extreme maneuvering!

The final stage of the Dragon R is a re-entry module capable of [almost] powered descent (RCS can be ejected and parachute deployed if you don\'t feel brave enough for the attempt!).

The Evolved Dragon R has been tested extensively in LKO. It can be injected into a 100km circular orbit with plenty of fuel to spare, and although I have yet to do so I am confident it may be placed into an escape trajectory.

Pics and craft file:

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