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Quick RCS question

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I can\'t get the rcs to do anything right now - is there some other feature I need to enable to make them active?

(test is cluster of 8 rcs units on a single rcs tank)

You did press 'R' to activate them, right?

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1m/s change in orbital velocity works out to about 1km change in orbital altitude at the opposing node, RCS has more than enough oomph to get you down (unless you\'re using RCS to drive more than just a capsule)....

I figured out I\'d broken my config file - that;s why R wasn\'t working.

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I also had a quick question about the RCS thrusters:

Can you use them to deorbit? Or are they too weak?

I just want to deorbit my pod and a small fuel tank. Is it possible?

In orbit thruster can\'t be too weak. There can only be insufficient fuel.

And with several RCS tanks on a not too big orbital ship you can even circilarise from highly eccentric trajectory an then deorbit back after releasing payload. Example

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