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Creature to Energy Being

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I think in this case, that's part of the purpose of 'change'(?). Perhaps we discover, along the evolutionary trend, that self-awareness is redundant or unnecessary. I think where I certainly agree with you here is that doing so would certainly give up what we presently see as being human. I honestly doubt that will change with any rapidity, but perhaps in the face of a great calamity it may become a necessity. Extinction versus self-identity has to be a tough call, but it's probably strong enough to force it. I would hope it be less drastic and part of our humanity then be maintained. I certainly see how it would appear pointless to be something else, and that, is a much harder debate for me to take any stance on.

Yes, I hope we would never need to make that decision. I assume many would decide to go down with the ship in any case. Others who have fear of death might choose to live as an energy being of some sort o.o. If it didn't include consciousness, you technically wouldn't even be aware you are alive anymore XD, so lets hope it includes that, otherwise the transformation becomes rather pointless.

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