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Having a hard time re-engaging...

Kosmic Debris

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I'm having a hard time getting back "into" the forum since the data loss. In an odd twist of fate, I really just got active right after the beginning of the loss...so all of the fun stuff I had posted and responded to is gone and I'm back at like square 1.

Not sure why this matters - it shouldn't. The community is as vibrant as ever, but I'm just having a hard time getting back into reading and posting.

Looking forward to the virtual slapping and "get over it" comments to help me...um...get over it. :)

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I understand the feeling. It's like the vibe has changed a bit. Can't really put my finger on it, though. I expect the excitement will be back strong as ever once .20 makes its début. :)

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I agree with Jack.

Seems like we lost some intangible quality when the forums crashed. I think it might have been taking out the "ecosystem" of existing quality threads, which will come back.

Also, during the crash, some folks probably jumped ship and took up residency on Reddit.

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It'll come back around, its the ebb and flow of the internet.

Quite right, I'm sure it will. This forum certainly survived its crash far more gracefully than another forum I'm on. That one was left pretty much gutted and is slowly shambling off to its grave, but Facebook has made it largely obsolete anyway.

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