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Dump your insanity here!


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Small amounts of alcohol aren't harmful when enjoyed responsibly. In fact some forms such as red wine can lead to health benefits, as they are often enjoyed in a relaxing environment with a good meal and family/friends to have fun with. The reduction in stress is shown to more than offset any ill effects from the alcohol.

True, but if you drink too much, ie binge drinking, you should look for a handy jar to keep you liver in.

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Small amounts of alcohol aren't harmful when enjoyed responsibly. In fact some forms such as red wine can lead to health benefits, as they are often enjoyed in a relaxing environment with a good meal and family/friends to have fun with. The reduction in stress is shown to more than offset any ill effects from the alcohol.

So that means I can safely drink Isopropyl Alcohol. Way to go!

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Or high-speed vacuum tube trans-continental trains

Oh this reminds of a a cool concept I thought up one time when I was reading this website: http://www.futuretimeline.net/beyond.htm#250000000

Basically, in 250 million years, the continents reform back into one big super-continent, Pangaea Ultima.


Also around this time, the sun increases in size and brightness, causing a lot of the water on Earth to evaporate, making it a very arid planet.

So basically, in my concept, most of Pangaea is covered in uninhabitable deserts, meaning most of civilization exists on coastal cities. This makes interaction and trade between countries a very difficult and interesting concept. I imagine high speed trains would be one of the forms of travel across several thousand kilometers of desert. That and supersonic planes like the Concorde.

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Or declare war on it. This is why we need better people as politicians!

Edit: As a precaution Trekkette, always store your liver into a Jar or other container before ingesting alcohol.

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I could be a politician, I suppose. I'd be like Stalin, except with a little bit more tyranny and a lot less warfare. Really, any person, once they get power of any sort, become corrupt.

What about someone who is impossible to corrupt? Or a system where the public constantly checks on the corruption of the politician and any moves against it are seen as a act of corruption?

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Currently re-watching 2001, for the somethingth time. Currently at the part with the monkeys. SUCH A GOOD MOVIE
The book's better.

So, on the subject of one of us as a politician - not just no, but HELL NO.

Declaring random wars on those you otherwise idolize? Human sacrifice? 10 pages discussions about planes? Actually, laid out like that... I'd vote for ya! As long as I wasn't the sacrifice anymore...

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The book's better.

So, on the subject of one of us as a politician - not just no, but HELL NO.

Declaring random wars on those you otherwise idolize? Human sacrifice? 10 pages discussions about planes? Actually, laid out like that... I'd vote for ya! As long as I wasn't the sacrifice anymore...

This is only us when we let our madness out, I presume we are otherwise fairly normal. Also, why not Chobit as a politician?

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