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Yep, Hool is a obscure planted that rotates exactly opposite from earth so its always behind the sun from us. They are a mirror earth, except that they send their worst people into spaceships and launch then. Some of them land on earth and think they are back on Hool so we never notice.

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i have no idea what 10chars is

10chars is a deadly radioactive isotope of Charium, that has extra ten neutrons in it. Even a coin-sized fragment of it can level a large city. It also goes by a funny and innocent-looking name.

So you don't like me?:huh:

Fortunately, things didn't went that way. Statistical records show that you dreamed of visiting Hool at some point in your life since the age of one, and Earth is has decided to send you as a demonic sacrifice peace emissary there.

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*strolls into the thread dressed in a WWII Japanese flightsuit and discovers Trekkette's corpse*


*gets back into her Donryu and proceeds to bomb the ever-loving #$%& out of this thread's inhabitants*

And now ya'll will get it!

Chobit, all's good. I was saved by a Jedi! *flutters eyelashes*

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