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Good Orbit for a space station?

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I put my Kerbin stations at 80km. Seems to work out fine. Less delta-v to reach from the ground and enough wiggle room to not end up in atmo due to the imperfect nature of the game switching between orbital elements calculations and unity coordinates.

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Due to my distatse for LKO and a ring of debris cluttering up the more sensible 150-250km orbits my space station sits in the 450km orbit. That's probably too high but i'd never go below 150km. No risk of entering the atmosphere, can cut under or go above to match orbits and dock, can use timewarp up to 100x.

The only good thing about a LKO station is that very heavy vessels and spaceplanes which typically have no fuel left to go anywhere can refuel there. But i find that hitting the target is difficult and matching orbits can be impossible after a miss. I'd much rather tug vessels higher up than have an LKO station that's difficult to dock with.

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Don't worry guys, Imma rhyme em' my awnser.

First you gotta make ya ship

Launch it, don't let it tip

Get yourself a stable orbit

Reach Periapsis n' burn it!

Keep goin' till ya Apoapsis Reaches

150km. stop, look at th' features

Now Circulize ya orbit

n' now ya gone n' done it!


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Depends on your purpose.

For one that is purely for fun, around 100-130km will provide you with the best view, and still provide reasonably easy docking.

Higher orbits are easier to dock in, though.

There is also no reason you can't have several space stations.

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Depends on your purpose...

...There is also no reason you can't have several space stations.

Indeed, I have a small station at 75km as a staging post for my SSTO shuttle. (It's only capable of reaching that height with enough fuel for maneuvers) and a large station at 150km. Interplanetary craft orbit at 100km away from both.

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