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XB-70 Valkyrie

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This was one heck of a supersonic bomber, now Kerbalized! You shouldn't have any problem getting this beauty in the air. I advise you start @ 50% throttle, and as soon as the front wheel picks up, toggle the avionics package (ASAS) because this plane generates a TON of lift. It has an identical service ceiling to the real thing, and matches its speed. It's the closest thing to a replica I could make, and I am very happy with how it turned out.

A little warning: don't kick the throttle up too far in hi-alt flight. You'll cause it to flip out of control.

Have a happy and safe flight!



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Sweet. Beautiful recreation. And if you kick the throttle up you can simulate its real, explosive demise. Just imagine a tiny plane got sucked into its wake vortex... That's a little morbid, huh?

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Sweet. Beautiful recreation. And if you kick the throttle up you can simulate its real, explosive demise. Just imagine a tiny plane got sucked into its wake vortex... That's a little morbid, huh?

A bit, but that's what happens if you fly in close formation.

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I remember way back- someone made one of these- nearly to SCALE. It was MASSIVELY HUGE and lagged even powerful computers. Nice to see someone made a smaller more stable version; the big one had around 60 landing gear that detached :L

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Ok my first flight in this thing to the island runway was about 5 mins of hell and guess what? I only slammed 4 parts into the ground lolllololollllloolololololilol

You have to start slow with this thing, otherwise you'll have a chaotic mess in hand. I also put RCS on the fuselage to help bring the nose down because of the lift generated by this thing.

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