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The KSS-3 Incident


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The KSS-3 space station was a Geosynchronous platform primarily designed as a fuel stop for ships heading to the Mun and Minmus for the ongoing research projects there, as well as an orbital command post for the Lolmiya satellite network. At the time of the incident it consisted of two stock modules connected via a Clamp-o-tron Sr. Linkage, four solar arrays, a Mk-2 Lander Can, Hitchhiker module, and Command Cupola functioning as crew quarters. The second half of the station consisted primarily of a large fuel tank. Both ends had clamp-o-tron docking ports for attaching ships and additional modules. It was crewed by Doodnard and Harrick Kerman, who were billed as "Competent Professionals" during our selection process and were therefore exempt from the mandatory crash test course (survivors automatically become eligible for higher training).

The two space station components were successfully rendezvoused following an incident wherein the docking port of the fuel module was installed backwards, leading to some embarrassment and a few of the engineering staff fired (out of a cannon into the sun). For approximately a week, the station orbited successfully, acting as a command post during the Minmus-Spotlight and RUMIA-1 Mun Missions. Documents from the latter however were lost due to the bookkeeper being given as a snackrifice to Ame-chan, goddess of candies and current head of KSC administration (he was claimed to taste like lime apples).


The incident itself began when the KSV-1 resupply vessel, carrying a load of fuel was en-route from Kerbin. Rendezvous was completed successfully, and both ships reached a position of about 365m from one another. The KSV-1 was aligning itself for docking. Command line switch was about to be made to the Space Station, when suddenly and without warning, the Station's fuel module exploded violently, obliterating the top cupola and docking rig of the crew module. Miraculously, the Monopropellant tank acted to shield the Mk2 command pod (which both crew were in) from the blast. Mission control confirms numerous instances of the phrase "WTF!!?" executed simultaneously by all the crew on both ships.


The space station and it's debris field was flung approximately 23km away from the KSV-1, which had to perform evasive maneuvers to avoid collisions with debris. The blast force was so great that a large cluster of debris (erroneously identified as landers) was thrown into an escape trajectory.


Fortunately, the crew module was still broadcasting via it's communitron antennae, but it's power reserves were fading fast. The KSV-1 boosted itself into a close position adjacent to the Space Station to render assistance. The crew, including Rolly von Kerman, Sheroly Kerman, and Brolli Kerman were quick to re-establish communications, and Sheroly conducted an EVA to investigate a nearby piece of detritus to hopefully determine a cause. Unfortunately, the KSV-1 did not have sufficient crew capacity for the two Kerbalnauts, and was instructed to remain in position until help arrived.


Back at KSC, panic ensued, as the scientists examined their options. After sacrificing several of the station's engineers to Ame-chan to ensure she was not excited by the explosions, they quickly scrambled an NOMAD-2 Orbiter to intercept the Station and hopefully recover the crew.


The blast created a large debris field, which was tracked by orbiting Lolmiya and Sugar Sattelites, and fed to the NOMAD orbiter and ground control. The NOMAD's MechJeb module was able to resolve the orbit of the Command Module and quickly established an orbital rendezvous path, avoiding the debris.


Once on the scene, the NOMAD orbiter was moved into position close to the derelict station compartment, while the two Kerbals onboard used their remaining power to back up the data telemetry for transmission to the Developers if necessary, and made their final bathroom breaks before commencing EVA (the ejection of large amounts of yellow droplets from a ruptured line is indicative of this). The EVA went smoothly as the Kerbalnauts spent some time examining the damage to the module before boarding the NOMAD-2.


(view from the KSV-1)


(EVA in progress)


(Boarding the NOMAD-2)

After boarding the orbiter, the autopilot was re-calibrated and the vessel made preparations for landing back at KSC. As both Harrick and Doodnard Kerman were quite shaken from the ordeal (and fearful of their proximity to explosions attracting the attention of Ame-chan) the entire flight would be automated. After waving off the KSV-1, the NOMAD-2 conducted a high-deorbit burn to place it on course with KSC. The KSV-1 remained in orbit to begin an investigation and Possibly transfer it's fuel to other spacecraft.


After being convinced (lied to) that Ame-chan did not know anything about them, the two intrepid Kerbalnauts were reassured and relieved to be returning to Kerbin.


Re-entry went quite smoothly. High-orbit aerobraking and landing calculations brought the orbiter down to a perfect, pin-point landing at the KSC. A flag and a plaque commemorating the incident was placed at the foot of the Orbiter and the Kerbalnauts were brought in to be debriefed.


Continued tracking of the debris is underway to ensure that it will not interfere with any replacement stations or planned Mun/Minmus missions. Currently most of the Debris is in the ~600-2500km orbit range, and does not pose a threat to existing sattelites. Deployment of a Decrapifier spacecraft to rendezvous with and de-orbit the debris may be done at a later time.

Initial investigation of the incident reports indicate that the Station was most likely the victim of a Deep Space Kraken attack; one of the first in several decades. In light of this, as well as the recent Controversy involving Kerthulhu, God of the Space Krakens and High priest of the old ones who dwells within Minmus, the Kerbin Military and Space Programs are being placed on heightened alert. Jebadiah Kerman has been instructed to prepare an anti-space-kraken squadron and a replacement fuel depot in high orbit.


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Well, had the station been more complete I probably would have hit F9.

At any rate, we will need to build a replacement or two. And clear out some of the debris.

More Importantly, everyone should be prepared for further Space Kraken instances. That means putting up early warning satellites and defense ships to respond to possible Kraken sightings with overwhelming force.

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  • 6 months later...

wow, that sucks. Luckily, I have not as of yet witnessed such a brutal attack on any of my craft. However, we are always on alert of a Deep Space Kraken and have had numerous unidentifiable sightings of large objects not too far in the distance.......

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