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Clamp-o-tron senior docking help

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I'm new to the forum, but have been playing KSP for a few weeks. I've found many of the posts in here to be really helpful and occasionally hilarious (space humor - who knew). So before I ask my question, thanks KSP Forum!

Now: After updating to 0.2, I've been building an interplanetary ship in orbit, using a design similar to one that was successful in 0.19. Basically, the biggest difference is that I'm using clamp-o-tron senior. And I cannot get the blasted thing to dock. I park it gently, less than ½ m/s, really well aligned, and yet the two parts just bounce off each other. Now, the design does have five clamps that must align, but that didn't seem to be a problem with the standard size clamp.

Does anyone have any ideas as to what's going wrong? Any known issues with the new clamp?

Thanks for the help!

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I'm having exactly the same problem. I spent an hour trying to dock two station parts last night, even though they were almost perfectly aligned they just bumped off one another like they were simply bits of the hull. The maglock certianly showed no signs of engaging like it does with the smaller clamps. I'm thinking these are actually just hull pieces and not functional docking ports, either that or they have to be so perfectly aligned they're all but impossible to use.

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I just performed a docking with two rovers, and it worked perfectly.

As said above, don't put them on backwards, you can easily tell if you're looking at the docking side because of the small hollow.

Wayfare, Can I just confirm which way round your using them

This side, or this side facing out

I've been using the side shown in the first photo facing out.

You were right. From my ground tests I got the impression you have to be really careful when lining up and come in at a very, very low speed.

Edited by Ben Kerman
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I've been using the side shown in the first photo facing out.

Like Ben said, that is the correct facing. While the Seniors are not very forgiving when it comes to alignment, I've had no real issues with them as long as I come in straight and slow. You could try it with MechJeb just to make sure?

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