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Mun Landing Overview [Pic-Heavy!]


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I have put together a basic overview of the steps needed to land on the Mun and return. Hopefully this very basic guide will help anyone trying to get to the Mun -- I have tried many things and steps below are what I have found to the most successful. I will reference specific designs/methodologies, but I will not go into detail of how those work (look them up if you don't know what they are).

Pre-Launch - this ship contains many stages; they are: orbiter/return ship (top), lander (middle), lifter (bottom - uses a "Skipper" engine with 4-stage-asparagus plus 8 solid boosters):


Passing through 5,000 meters, the solid boosters have been decoupled, along with the first asparagus stage:


Passing through 35,000 meters, the last asparagus stage has been nearly depleted:


Circular orbit reached at 82,000 meters:


Setup maneuver node to get a close encounter to the Mun (will adjust more when we reach the Mun's sphere of influence):


Mun encounter - setup another maneuver node for low-Mun orbit:


Upon reaching circular orbit, decouple orbiter from lander:


Burn retrograde until decent is vertical and make minor adjustments until you touch down:


Landed and EVA to plant the flag!


Rendezvous with orbiter (no need to dock - just EVA and board):


Returned to Kerbin and landed safely!


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