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More habitation modules in the future?


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I think there are a lot of different types of habitation modules that can be added. So far we've just got hitchhiker cans and the various command pods.

-Inflatable habitats. Of course, these are always good, light and compact, good for stations and bases. I'm not sure but maybe they would not be so great when inflated under thrust.

-Ring segments. Obviously you don't have to worry about it right now, but even if you just want to pretend, there could be 1/6 circle segments which can be docked in orbit. Maybe even smaller, but so far you can only lock things to 1/6 circle intervals unless you do precise manual movement which isn't always compatible with other parts.

-Shuttle passenger segments and plane passenger fuselages. For large groups of passengers to go around Kerbin, into LKO or maybe to a station on the mun or something.

-Passages between modules. No longer do Kerbals need to EVA to move from place to place. They can float all about your station, base or ship by passageway. If ring habitats are too extravagent, these could be used instead, if only to assist movement around actual artificial G habitations. If so they should come in a variety of circle sizes, ie. have one for 10m radius, one for 20, one for 30 and one for 60.

-Longer hitchhiker containers for more crew, multi-level interiors.

Also, it would be neat if in the future interiors could be edited so that you could fit, say, one piece of science equipment in a hitchhiker container sized habitat. This could tie in well with research, Kerbals could take samples to the habitat to have them tested.

Just some thoughts.

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I'd like some 'basic' modules for bases, but I wouldn't mind a more fleshed-out pack for DLC. I really want to give the devs more money since I paid like tree fiddy for this game ages ago and I've got like a thousand hours in it...

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I'd like some 'basic' modules for bases, but I wouldn't mind a more fleshed-out pack for DLC. I really want to give the devs more money since I paid like tree fiddy for this game ages ago and I've got like a thousand hours in it...

I know the feeling. I bought in about a year ago and have clocked more hours on it than any other non-MMO, so have no qualms paying for DLC.

However, I do think that parts should be released separate from updates - it would keep the community quieter if there was a part being released every week.

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I'd like some 'basic' modules for bases, but I wouldn't mind a more fleshed-out pack for DLC. I really want to give the devs more money since I paid like tree fiddy for this game ages ago and I've got like a thousand hours in it...

Oh, yeah, I'd also be happy to pay for this as DLC, like a station and base pack where you can make more complex colonies.

I thought of something else as well, different shaped habitats, like rectangularish shaped ones.

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the best part about getting it as DLC is that noone can say "it's a mod so it doesn't count"... well they can and probably will but whatever. yeah, I'd buy official partpack DLCs too.

Well Squad has said that they wont be making DLC's (which I was all for) but will do expansion packs with things like building bases and big game changing mechanics, no parts or planets as DLC

I want bigger habitat modules with things for very long missions, like a place for kerbals to sleep one to eat and so on, would make space station and interplanetary ship construction a bit more fun.

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Well Squad has said that they wont be making DLC's (which I was all for) but will do expansion packs with things like building bases and big game changing mechanics, no parts or planets as DLC

I want bigger habitat modules with things for very long missions, like a place for kerbals to sleep one to eat and so on, would make space station and interplanetary ship construction a bit more fun.

Well, when I said DLC, I kind of meant expansion. I know they're not mutually inclusive but for KSP an expansion would be DLC since there's no boxed version.

But I agree on the bigger habitat modules for longer missions, that's a good idea. If Kerbals had certain requirements for certain journey lengths, this would be good. Like I said earlier, customisable interiors would let you put in different important facilities for long term space travel.

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