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I've landed on Mun, what now?


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Mun base management can be interesting, but it requires a little imagination. I was going to send a Kerbal out in my crane vehicle to pick up the shuttle that'd landed 10km east of the base. The ladder for that crane must be reached by jet pack, but the Kerbal wouldn't grab it. So I said "fine then" and used a different Kerbal.

Interact with your virtual crew for a bit.

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After landing on the Mun, the next logical target for me was Duna.

It doesn't actually take much more dV to get a Duna transfer, and a very similar lander design will work fine on Duna. You can even experiment with parachutes (though you'll likely need to use some thrust for landing as well).

Go to Eve!

Eve is HARD. At least, if you plan to go home again. Dropping a rover there is a reasonable next step maybe. Build a probe rover that you can deliver to Mun, then work out a way to drop it on Eve.

Edited by Anglave
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Right now, in just the Vanilla game, there's only to explore the planets. There isn't much on them and you'll be hard pressed to find the easter eggs. The fun in Kerbal comes from constructing something that works, or building something in Orbit, or building something on another celestial body you had to get there.

With the Resource system eventually coming, there will be more use for building stuff in places, and with Mods there's already more uses similar to this

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I've acommplished my goal of landing on the Mun successfully. I've put over 12 hours into this. I've been doing it for so long, I don't have any other goals. Any goals or things to do now that I'm on the Mun?

Congrats on your first Mun landing! With some notable exceptions you now have the knowledge and skills to go anywhere and do anything in the game!

I'm not sure I understand the distinction you've made between your previous goal of "land on the Mun" and any future ones. Has the Mun landing expanded scientific understanding, inspired a generation, or turned a profit? In it's current state the motivation behind all missions, and in fact entire space programs, is because some player thought it would be awesome. If you had fun with the challenges you've had so far, you'll probably continue to do so with those that await.

Here are some ideas:

  • Build a communications or positioning array of satellites, and understand the relevant orbital mechanics
  • Put a rover on another celestial body and drive it around
  • Assemble a space station made of two or more modules in orbit around Kerbin
  • Build a base on another celestial body
  • Execute a landing and return mission in which the lander decouples from the service module, dock again before heading home.
  • Land on both Mun and Minmus, then return to Kerbin in a single mission
  • Flyby one or more planets or their moons
  • Orbit one of the other planets or one of their moons
  • Land on another planet or one of their moons
  • Fly a plane for more than 15 minutes, then land
  • Build an SSTO spaceplane
  • Take an SSTO spaceplane to Layhe, land on it, then return to Kerbin. You can dock with interplanetary drive section, or not!
  • Land on and return from Eeloo, Moho, Tylo, or Eve (in order of least to greatest delta V)

Don't be discouraged, there is much to do yet!

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My Kerbal goals follow the Mercury, Gemini and Apollo programs pretty closely when I first started the game.

1. Get into space

2. Get into orbit

3. Rendezvous two craft in orbit

4. Orbit the Mun and return safely

5. Land on the Mun and return safely (which actually turned into an Apollo 10 style mission when I realised I was going to kill my kerbals if I tried to land without an ASAS module attached)

6. Okay, actually land on the Mun this time and return.

7. Orbit Minmus and return

8. Launch a space station in a 100k orbit with living quarters, solar array, docking and refuelling facilities

9. Send a probe to Eve

10. (0.20 hit) Plant a flag on the Mun and Minmus

and that's where I'm up to right now. My future goals are as follows.

11. Get a Kerbal and rover to the Mun, do some roving and return safely.

12. Send a probe rover to Duna

13. Send a Kerbal to Duna and return safely

14. Build a Mun base

15. Explore beyond Duna and Eve

There's still buttloads to do beyond the Mun.

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I haven't really explored anywhere but Duna, and I'm plenty fulfilled. Sure I've sent one way missions to other places, but the Mun and Duna are my bread and butter. I'm looking forward to the day I visit Jool with a manned mission though. :D

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Ive spent alomost 200 hours on the game (so far) just landing on things in the Kerbin system - Mun and Minmas, trying out docking a few times, trying out a spacestation, trying out spaceplanes, rescuing stranded astronauts etc. Next job is probably a round trip to another planet. But I just really love the launches and landings/reentry so I can do those many times without getting fed up. Your imagination is the key to enjoyment of this game, just as it is with Minecraft and Crusader Kings 2 and many other games. You have to set an overall objective - my personal one, like many, is to roughly follow in NASAs footsteps until I pass their achievements by landing on Duna. Of course things are a lot easier when you dont have a budget to worry about.

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How will I get fuel to this station in the first place when it runs out?

You'll have to send smaller refuellers to dock with the fuel station to top it up every now and then.

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