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Platform Enigma- an off topic chat thread.


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For ****s sake people! I leave you alone for TWO HOURS and already you've gone and turned the Off-topic forum into a scrapheap!!! WHAT THE HELL!!!!!!! D:<

Oh, god. Men! Retreat! To the bunker, GO! GO! GO! GO!

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No! Use this! *Activates Tsar Bomba*

*slaps Leon across the face* What are you crazy, soldier!? That's a waste of resources! There's no way that'll do anything to it! Now follow orders and get to the bunker!

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Wine: how classy people get wasted.

Civilized people doesn't overdone with alcohol (you can drink but not be drunk) in public, this is just rude and unacceptable.

That's why you mix wine with water when drink it with meals...

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Civilized people doesn't overdone with alcohol (you can drink but not be drunk) in public, this is just rude and unacceptable.

That's why you mix wine with water when drink it with meals...

That's the joke.

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All this talk about the "Tsar Bomba", but no Tsar Cannon?!


No silly bomb made when the Tsars weren't around, this is a real cannon made during the Tsardom of Russia!

Edited by rryy
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Good luck, I decided to aim it towards the sky and Fire all the missiles at once. Including the SRB. The entire thing did a backflip and exploded upon impact with the ground whilst sending missiles in such a pattern that likelihood of avoiding them (from a planes perspective) was cut by 50%.

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I'm sorry, I seem to have forgotten. What's this "sleep" again?

Anyway, I present Rage016. Anti-aircraft version!


Let's see chobits planes take this on.

I'm going to regret that.

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Considering I just tested a high-altitude bomber than can fire a whole SRB as a payload, I doubt you stand a chance

The thing isn't completely stationary. It can move and spam the air with 18 different missiles (whilst destroying itself, sadly).

So depending on the situation...It could be close.

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