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Platform Enigma- an off topic chat thread.


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Well at least he hasn't tried to kill you, like one of my exes.

Oh dear...

Short version: my boyfriend ended our relationship, but still wants to be friends. Meanwhile, I'm still deeply in love with him.

Do you need more cute kitten gifs?


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Short version: my boyfriend ended our relationship, but still wants to be friends. Meanwhile, I'm still deeply in love with him.

Odd. Then again I'm at the point where I'll take what I can get. So I'm not a good person to talk to about this.

@mercy. Oh wow.

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Moderator down, I repeat, moderator down!

No, You can't take down moderator just like that :cool:.

Anyway, I'm not afraid of needles or blood - I can see other guy bleeding without problem, but I can't bear to see own bleeding or thinking about this... Still not fear, just you going white and fell like somebody drained all blood from your hands (very unpleasant, and nearly lost grip strength).

Once on consultation, doctor just puncture my finger when testing blood sugar and keep my cool until I left the consultation room and collapse on bench for 15 minutes >_<.

Edited by karolus10
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I'm really sorry I'm being so emotional, you guys. My parents didn't really approve of the guy so I can't turn there for support. And my friends are torn between "better to find out now than later" and "he's a tool;move on"

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I'm really sorry I'm being so emotional, you guys. My parents didn't really approve of the guy so I can't turn there for support. And my friends are torn between "better to find out now than later" and "he's a tool;move on"

Its okay Trekkette, don't be sorry. We just want to cheer you up now. *Pats Trekkette on her back*

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