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Platform Enigma- an off topic chat thread.


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It's moving far too fluidly for that...Wait robot?...*eyes Leon* what are you suggesting?

Jokes aside, It can't be a puppet unless they hit the cat with a hammer and added strings to it. (which I very much doubt)

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After staring at my own cat to try and draw conclusions I have decided that it's still way too fluid for that. However, if you look closely you can see that the head and arms just barely don't quite match with the body.

They could've recorded the cat shaking it's pelvis, it waving about, it looking around and put it all together after recording the wall and couch.

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Could be, its not the best quality. Why would someone make that?

This is the only thread in the internet where we discuss the makings and reasoning behind cat gifs...

Why do internet people do anything that they do?
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Because we have nothing better to do? Because we are all psychopathic? Because we have no life? The list goes on and on..

*looks at chocolate dispenser on arm*

Who are you calling psychopathic?

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Guys, I have a question. Half a bee, philosophically, must ipso facto half not be. But half the bee has got to be, vis-à-vis its entity - do you see? But can a bee be said to be or not to be an entire bee when half the bee is not a bee, due to some ancient injury?

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You've edited it, it was:
Granted. Raiders of the lost ark face-melting scene.

I wish for trekkette :3

For Trekkette to what? Bear in mid your continued existance may depend on your response...

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