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You Will Not Go To Space Today - Post your fails here!


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While attempting to figure out how TAC Fuel Balancer worked, my fingers, of their own accord, attempted to use the left-shift key to multi-select tanks.

Left-shift, in KSP, does not have that functionality.

Instead, multiple nuke and mainsail engines with multiple thrust axes fired at once.


The results speak for themselves. All hail quickload.

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Left Shift being throttle up has caught me out so many times when trying to cycle through objects in map view. Typically by the time I realise my periapsis is below the ground. And I can't use Right Shift instead, because that's the Mod key on Linux since Alt-click gets intercepted by the OS to move the window around.

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  cantab said:
Left Shift being throttle up has caught me out so many times when trying to cycle through objects in map view. Typically by the time I realise my periapsis is below the ground. And I can't use Right Shift instead, because that's the Mod key on Linux since Alt-click gets intercepted by the OS to move the window around.

I see that you grok.

Add to the complication that I am using a MacBook with an ergonomic PC Goldtouch keyboard half the time. So for some programs (KSP) the cntrl key on the Goldtouch keyboard is not the cntrl key on the laptop keyboard. Instead, the windows logo key on the Goldtouch keyboard controls the cntrl function on my laptop keyboard.

Sometimes throttling down in a panic is about hitting as many keys as possible, including the X, in hopes that you got the right one at some point. :(

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I managed to piggyback some satellites onto an Eve-bound rocket ... once they were underway they detached, picked up a bit of room, and fired off those small stack separators ... well, things DID end up in multiple pieces, I should have taken a screenshot of the mess!

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  HoustonDave said:
While attempting to figure out how TAC Fuel Balancer worked, my fingers, of their own accord, attempted to use the left-shift key to multi-select tanks.

Instead, multiple nuke and mainsail engines with multiple thrust axes fired at once.

Ouch. Thats why I always set action group 10 to kill all engiens on every craft I make. I normaly fire that one as I'm on final docking approach but I'll frequently tap it on ocasion when I'm controlling a station just to be sure. To date at worst I've had 1 docked ship with engiens on fire by accident and at least that only imparted spin on the whole station(wasnt spindly enough to outright break, just wobble like crazy)

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It was a rough day for Kerbal Kind. The most ambitious Duna ship with four landers, all 20 nuclear rockets which were also probes which could be reconfigured to be individual tugs or payload assists. Then my pilot with the worst luck manages to wipe it out in seconds. Amazingly enough the forward section is well on its way to Duna due to its reconfigurable nature as well as massive build overkill.

3AP9UgD.png .. jebs refuel tanker rips off the top of the rocket portending the day to come.

ZLZMIyt.jpg ... jebs luck is to have his full tanker fall on the fuel storage depot.

oKkdXq3.jpg ... go big or go home an even heavier tanker variant with 24 srbs feeding the fire...

mIaNZPz.png ... docking a primary drive stage to the secondary already docked. notice all nuke rockets are remote control tugs or science probes if needed.

pN9H7Te.png ... docking my kick stage for kerbin escape from 500k altitude

iu1G0TA.png ... transfer stage ripping itself apart one rocket tug broke loose causing the midstage area to have a zipper effect.

pKNO2Vf.png?1 ...ships heading? well it depends if you are in the front or back..

Z2mtEiW.png ... nuke tug sent to drive light lander back to kerbin.

Edited by sumrex
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So uh, I had a bit of a fail today. I don't know how it happened, and it's certainly not a "you will not go to space today" level disaster, but it may make coming back a bit difficult.


This is Libra Station. I'm very proud of it. It took a long time to build and is currently in great working order. Except for the fact that something (my guess being a cat stepping on the keyboard) triggered action group 9 while I was in the other room watching "Cosmos", and now the service modules for my two crew transfer vehicles are floating away. And the station is orbiting Minmus. I need to do two unplanned launches now, and my crew has no real reliable way home in the meantime.

The moral of this story is never to leave KSP running while you're away from the computer if you have one or more cats.

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I can't remember if I've already posted it here, but once I tried to recreate an Apollo moon mission with a spacecraft as close to historically accurate as I could get it. Eventually it worked, but (spoiler alert) it wasn't on the first try.

First spacecraft design. For historical accuracy, I didn't use any "asparagus" staging. Thus, the rocket I ended up with was very tall.


The tallness of the rocket made it incredibly wobbly, which ended in the failure of various part linkages. But hey, at least we know the escape tower works.


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Been practising rocket landings on Kerbin before I go for a Munshot. Quite a lot of explosions. One time when I set down on a slope and the lander started sliding fast, I had my Kerbal bail but he was still moving with the lander. The blast threw him 400 metres.

And then there's this landing. Hey, any you walk away from right?


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I decided to be ambitious, and land on/return from Duna before I had even landed/returned from the Mun (I've mines Minmus for quite a bit of science, though)

Well, according to the math, the ship could make it, the return craft was a hobbled mess and used what was essentially a medium rectangular strut piece with 4 solid rocket boosters, and 2 command seats to return to orbit (and then the mothership would rendesvous and collect the sciecne and return to Kerbin)

but I just couldn't get the darn thing to launch



I gave up, and decided to wait until I had unlocked some 2m engines :sticktongue:

and then I had some random unplanned disassembly on my first attempted Mun landing.


then, to top that all off, after I re-launched, I did something that I thought I would never do.

I successfully LITHOBRAKED the lander on the surface of the Mun, and RETURNED SAFELY TO KERBIN.

I have been doing lots of work on Minmus, so I forgot how much more gravity the Mun has.

I planned a suicide burn (my preferred method of landing without atmosphere), and cut in for descent.

Needless to say, I reached the surface at around 200M/s. I ditched the radial tanks, and pitched the nose up, pinned the throttle, and mashed the stage button when the bottom engine made contact.

I was at a shallow enough angle, that the impact destroyed everything up to the VERY LAST decoupler underneath the return stage, and I casually bounced off back into space.

I had around 900dV in the return stage (actually the second stage of the return craft), and I got back all in one piece!

Sorry, no pics of that, I was panicking the whole time haha

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I had sent up 4 satellites with the remote tech two mod installed. Everything was going great until I decided to view one of them to de-orbit the attached booster stage. It glitched itself and duplicated itself inside itself. So if anyone has seen the movie Gravity where all the debris was coming at them that was what the aftermath looked like. It then crashed the game. Come to find out through testing that it was remote tech that caused it.

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