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You Will Not Go To Space Today - Post your fails here!


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today i wanted to put a probe in orbit around the mun to complete science contracts. so 2 probes were sent on the same launching missile. once there i found out the LV-1 is not an RCS engine, i placed RCS tanks on the probes. so now i have 2 probes going in the same trajectory bound to crash into eachother in the near future. to make things worse i forgot that the thermometer, the only on-board science instrument, doesn't work in mun orbit..


then i de-orbited the useless rocket and somehow landed it on the engine, on a slope near this arch thingy while just yesterday i toppled a wide-ass lander with 6 landing struts on flat ground. this game...


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Yesterday I was able to create a disastrous Vessel Recovery for Jebediah.

I launched a rocket in sub-orbit trajectory, collected as much science as I could and then landed the capsule in the sea. But apparently the oceans were rough that day and were moving my capsule around, making the "Recover" and "Space Center" buttons to show up for a second and then hide back up (the vessel was moving on the waves, imagine that). I finally clicked on a button and got transported to the Space Center. When I tried to recover Jebediah from the Planetary Map, the whole thing vanished in front of my eyes.

And thus, Jebediah Kerman was lost to the waves of his own planet ;.;

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  Belphegor said:
well, i had no intentions of reaching space today. my first experiments with launching things from a cargobay while in flight went very wrong tho



Hilarious :D

...and as usual when the dynamic duo gets in trouble, Bill is all "Oh F#&K!!!!" whilst Jeb goes "Weeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!" :P

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Last night I....

a) crashed my Minmus rover and turned Hendrin in debris.

B) Got my Tylo/Laythe/Bop landers and interplanetary stage eaten by the kraken

c) managed to land my newest drone plane destroying ONLY one wing in the process.

ups and downs.

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Tragedy yesterday.... first I lost the entire 3-Kerbal crew on my station due to a life support malfunction. Pressed onward with a civilian tour contract to get back some rep and another near disaster:

All engines fired, but due to a MechJeb glitch failed to develop any thurst. The rocket dropped onto the pad, exploding everything, moments after the launch escape system activated.





The LAS saved the crew, but not without some... irregularities. It went the wrong way and didn't gain enough altitude, nearly smashing into the VAB.


Somewhere in that cloud of braking rocket smoke, there's three very unhappy (but alive) Kerbals.


And then in looking over my roster I discovered that at some point I also lost some Kerbal named Jorrigh and I have no idea when or how...?:mad:

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Launched my new interplanetary tug in to a perfect orbit less than 100Km in front of my station. Waited until the point of closest approach and burned prograde until the markers reckoned they'd be less than 1km apart on the next orbit, fast forward for an orbit and I was waiting for the closest moment to to match orbits... and they collided! Annoyed at the loss of two big (Unkerballed) ships, but amazed I managed to hit something from that far away.

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Once upon a time I did an early career Mun landing without fuel lines. In greentext form, the mission went like this:

>land on mun with side fuel tanks

>do science

>get into capsule

>pump fuel from middle tank to radial tanks

>take off

>realize fuel is slightly unbalanced


>attempt to manually steer it

>out of control, mission completely FUBAR

>wild spin, Jeb having the time of his life


>try to land with jetpack

>Jeb is kill

>science is kill

>mission is kill

>tfw forgot to quicksave

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Here's my story

>built new STS packed to the brim with new boxsats

>added a few reaction wheels and rcs ports for stability


>for the first 20000m, everything was going great

>ejected first stage and then te thing starts flipping madly

>keeps going

>detaches while normal engines are still working

>attempts to land


>ejects thanks to my new mk2 decoupler

>grabs some science while falling

>almost forgot to manually deploy chute

>lands on a mountain with my kerbals nearly dead

pretty normal really

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I was flying my latest science SSTO, the Hypatia II, and unbeknownst to me, one of the intakes had decided that one of my detachable science pods was its root part. Unfortunately, this meant that when I went to actually detach said science pod, intending to haul it off somewhere to gather science,

instead. Edited by drewscriver
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Tried to make a lifter and lander capable of landing and returning from EVE which led to this:

Basically made it become alive because the landing legs/girders could not handle the gravity.

Sadly rocket was doomed to begin with since I simply did not have enough fuel to get back into orbit. I had to steal nearly a full tank worth of fuel, so even with a quickload and perfect landing it got no further than about 15k~

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