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What if there was a war for the Kerbol system? (You write it!)


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Newfound Friendship

After recent talks, Eve has decided to support the Communists in Jool. "They believe in the same as us, and we have a common enemy, so might as well," states President Albert of Eve. The Evian Military is sending a shipment of bansk guns, pasnidels, and a few antimatter bombs on the carrier PSC Newfound Friendship to the base on Bop, equipped with Benith Planes to defend the ship if necessary. Evian troops will also be training the communists on modern military tactics throughout the next few months. Also, the princess of Jool, currently being held hostage by the Communists, will be deported to an unknown high-security prison in orbit around Gilly.

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To be honest, I was thinking the opposite, but let's see what happens in this.

Three endings may happen:

Nuclear Winter (Yours is sequel), One conquers all others (yours is prequel), or Peace Treaty (yours is prequel)

Currently, I have no idea on how the story would end, but if it was a prequel to the story, then I could start the rise of the Jool Colonies as a power and the fall of the United Nations of Kerbin. I find it hard for my story to cope as being a sequel, as the governmental sectors on Kerbin bear too much resemblance to the 21st Century, and the colonies are not as well-developed as they are in your story, as more than 2/3 of Kerbals are still on Kerbin, providing for a very lopsided war (If we attempted to wage on equal scale).

Also, it would be quite hard to explain that all the nations of Kerbin have allied and conquered the system, unless I implement a one-world Goverment. And that would be hard, since the main kerbal himself works for the United Proviences of Amerika, and will later partake with the remnants of the Koviet Union to handle a rebellion on Duna.

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Currently, I have no idea on how the story would end, but if it was a prequel to the story, then I could start the rise of the Jool Colonies as a power and the fall of the United Nations of Kerbin. I find it hard for my story to cope as being a sequel, as the governmental sectors on Kerbin bear too much resemblance to the 21st Century, and the colonies are not as well-developed as they are in your story, as more than 2/3 of Kerbals are still on Kerbin, providing for a very lopsided war (If we attempted to wage on equal scale).

Also, it would be quite hard to explain that all the nations of Kerbin have allied and conquered the system, unless I implement a one-world Goverment. And that would be hard, since the main kerbal himself works for the United Proviences of Amerika, and will later partake with the remnants of the Koviet Union to handle a rebellion on Duna.

I guess so. Yours is prequel!

NOTE: I was genuinely believing that Kerbals, Evians, Dunanese, Joolians, and Laythians were different species.

Well i think that new carrier is a good target for TR to fight frist but could some one post the stats of it?

It is a large ship, with 10 planes, each plane equipped with 2 SRBS as a weapon. Each plane holds 1 pilot. The ship uses 4 nuclear engines as means of propulsion, with 2 FL-T800 fuael tanks per engine. The ship's cargo incleds 10 boxes of bansk guns (each box holds 50 items), 10 boxes of pasnidel guns, and 15 antimatter bombs. The non-plane pilot consists of a crew of 15, each armed with bansk guns. The ship also has a cage with a pole at the center, to tie the kidnapped Joolian princess to.

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I guess so. Yours is prequel!

NOTE: I was genuinely believing that Kerbals, Evians, Dunanese, Joolians, and Laythians were different species

It is a large ship, with 10 planes, each plane equipped with 2 SRBS as a weapon. Each plane holds 1 pilot. The ship uses 4 nuclear engines as means of propulsion, witma'amh 2 FL-T800 fuael tanks per engine. The ship's cargo incleds 10 boxes of bansk guns (each box holds 50 items), 10 boxes of pasnidel guns, and 15 antimatter bombs.

Ok that makes it a light carrier in the TR as most TR carriers hold up to 25 fighters

[Well on with the fight]

on the brage of the odin

"Ma'am fleet-1's ships show all green for combat"

"Good give the all clear for engagement"

"Aye cap"

"Open a link to the newfound"

-data link locked-

"This is group commaneder kily to the newfound please power down your engines and dump all cargo, i know you are a new crew and i dont wont to take lifes i dont have to"

*out side in space you can see the PSC newfound friendship power down its engines and drop the pods with the cargo in them out of the ship*

"Thank you a prize ship crew well be bording soon then we well take you to one of our POW star bases we dont kill what we can save"

-data link ended-

*and so the frist POWs of the war have been taken the TR have some AM bombs to reverse enginernear and the evians dont know were there ship went*

on POW base-18

*as BG odin aives at the base with PSC newfound in tow*

"Well ill be damed they wornt joking around wean they said they had a carrier with em"

"I hear yea mate"

ENN bordecarst

To day our allys the JC said that they sore the PSC newfound be captured by a unkown group of ships which had one ship any one can class as a supper capital ship with the name 'odin' thanks to a probe near it, the JE,K-L,UMP,JC and MLF say that that ship is not theres some ppl say that those ships came from jools atmo but there is no sign of them in LJO

This has been a ENN news update

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Second Attempt

Enraged by the lost of Newfound Friendship, the Evians sent a second craft, Gilly's Pride, to send another copy of the cargo to Bop. It is much larger than Newfound Friendship, equipped with hull mounted antimatter rockets and 30 Benith Planes. The crew is a force of 50, including 30 plane pilots and 20 crewmates. It is also traveling with Mohoian Loyalty and Arnoldsheiltz I, two first-rate Evian warships.

Tracking Station

The Evians, whilst managing the second fleet, discovered the Newfound Friendship in Jool's atmosphere. Mohoian Loyalty detached from the rest of the fleet to assault the location, whilst Arnoldsheiltz I stayed with Gilly's Pride. The Evians suspect that the Joolian Empire was responsible for this, and are doing everything possible to send the cargo to the Communists and deport the hostage to Gilly as soon as possible.

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at the forges

"Sir the evians have found the newfound there coming right in to the trap"

"Good set up the AM rockets in range of the newfound wean the evain ship comes in range send the sound file and fire the rockets"

"Aye sir!"

with the odin

"Ma'am i have two evian ships in range of the AM drones"

"Good fire them and send the file"

"Aye aye cap'n"

-data link locked

-sound file loading- sound file playing-

"This is group commander kilo of the TRN you are to power down all weapons and engines in 5 mins or you well be hit with a AM warhead of your own build, any ship seen with AM weapons mounted or in cargo well be borded or fired on if it gets in to our range, your ship called the newfound friendship had AM weapons on bord and was borded the crew are POWs. Kilo out"

-end data stream-

5 mins later

*you can see two bright flashs in space as the drones detonate*

*we look back at jool you can see one more flash a bit more power full then the larst one go off*

"well it seems we are now at war with eve call up the eve yards and tell them to send up drone fleets 8 and 64 with the new AM cannons mounted clear eves orbits of war ships im going there my self"

"Yes ma'am!"

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Munar Mag[/sizeissue #67]

Welcome to Munar Mag the number one magazine in the U.M.P todays link is a photo album of the destruction of the Munar Mag by the greedy Kerbo-Laythians! By the way if you left who would be your sucseccor in charge of the thread? Me and Botse have stayed with you the most but Bbrantome wrote the best post (in my opinion) way back on the first page!http://imgur.com/a/43xeA

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Munar Mag[/sizeissue #67]

Welcome to Munar Mag the number one magazine in the U.M.P todays link is a photo album of the destruction of the Munar Mag by the greedy Kerbo-Laythians! By the way if you left who would be your sucseccor in charge of the thread? Me and Botse have stayed with you the most but Bbrantome wrote the best post (in my opinion) way back on the first page!http://imgur.com/a/43xeA

If it comes to that i vote you mate im on and off most of the time and how did the ship get hit? It has been at kerbins orbits and so far only one fight has happened there and that was way back wean the KL had a SCS

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If it comes to that i vote you mate im on and off most of the time and how did the ship get hit? It has been at kerbins orbits and so far only one fight has happened there and that was way back wean the KL had a SCS
Thanks dude urrm well the KL are bound to have a few small local defence ships arent they?
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Antimatter Strike

With the recent capture of the two fleets, Eve is launching an antimatter strike at Jool. 75 robotic antimatter warheads are being fired into random targets at Tylo, Bop, and Pol, 25 per moon. 100 AM warheads are also being dropped at Jool itself, including 5 at Newfound's location, and 5 at the Joolian capital. Laythe, Vall, and the communist base in Bop will be completely ignored by this strike.

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at the JFC

"Sir evians have fired AM warheads at looj and all JE held planets what should we do?"

"What elce call all the other forges and evac to TR space"

"Arrr on it sir!"

*and so from space all ships in LJO MJO and HJO see what is later going to be called forge fleet rize up from the deeps of jools atmo along with 20 unfinished fleets poll them selfs out of jool and in to the now very fuul LJO orbits the LE and LC dont even fire at them becoz of the shock of knowing that these ships did not come up on radar of any ship wean thay went over there bases*

-open data stream:all jool-

"This is SC kool of the forge fleet to all ships in jool orbit. Get out now we have info showing 100s of evian AM weapons en-route to jool evac NOW if you wont to live for 20 more years. Kool out

-data stream droped-

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Using the munar N.E.R.V.A mk 2s the U.M.P went to the M.L.F and formed the the crimson peace keepers. At Duna a rebellion put the C.P.K incharge of the former Jool half. The Joolians, thinking it was the Evians attacked Gilly and quite accidently rescued the princess and subsequently added Gilly to the empire.

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Quicker Mobilization

After the recent antimatter attack, with an estimated death toll of 15 billion, Kerbin is now speeding up their mobilization for an invasion of Eve. "After the recent antimatter attack on Jool, I'm afraid it's total war against Eve," states the President of Kerbin. Laythe, also in fear of being attacked by the next wave of antimatter bombs, has been focusing the majority of their production on interception missiles.

Threat for Gilly

After the Joolian conquest of Gilly, Eve sent a threat to Jool, stating that if Jool doesn't give Gilly back, then they will launch another set of 25 antimatter bombs at Jool. "Give us Gilly back, or you will be rained upon by 25 antimatter bombs," the Joolian royal family and many others heard when the Evians hacked into Jool's television network.

Anti-War Protests

Protests in K-L alliance territories and Evian territories have broken out, telling the governments of the K-L alliance and E-D (Evian-Dunanese) alliance to form peace with each other. "An enemy of our enemy should be our friend, not another one of our enemies," states a protester who asked to remain anonymous.

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After reports of Eve's probe launch, President of Kerbin, Barack Kerbama demanded KSC launch a probe to The Kerbin-like planet in the system. It would be far more likely to find life there than on an Eve-like planet, as the Evians require heavy space-suits just to go outside of the heavily protected walls.

Dunese-Kerbin Alliance formed, mediating a Kerbin-Evian Alliance

After a Dunese ship hacked a warship in Gillian orbit, causing it to shut down all of the Moon's defenses, The Joolians were forced to surrender Gilly, The Joolians moved on to capture Minmus. Kerbin was forced to attempt an alliance with the Dunese, and perhaps the Evians. The Kerbinians have broken off friendly actions with Jool, and Laythe has been refurbished as a strategic base, with troops being sent to Laythe to rebuild it for military purposes. Two of the three convoys were attacked by Dunese pirates, One suffered heavy damage, the NERVAs were destroyed on 15 ships, rendering Laythian intercept nigh impossible. Worst still, the ships may aerobrake around Jool, where the Joolian Tractors can dock to the ships and bring them in a prisoners of war. Within only a few days, the Joolian-Kerbin semi-friendship-but-not-quite-alliance has ended.

New Mun lander developed

This lander is now capable of deploying military troops to Minmus and the Mun in 30% the time it would take with the older Kerpollo landers.

It is entering testing phases on the Mun by Tuesday.

Eve's terraformation plant attacked by Ikian terrorists

Terraformation of Eve has been grinded to a halt for decades, as in response to the upcoming Kerbin-Evian alliance, Irrational Novaslims from Ike have sent 15 Jury-Rigged NERVA bombs (Likely purchased from Dunese pirates that attacked the Convoys) to destroy the Terraformation plants. This has recently led to a civil dispute against Eve, which may lead to a civil war if not handled carefully by the Evian government. The Gillians are reacting poorly to this, as Gilly's economy is only stable as a direct result of Eve trading with the Zeonium mines on Gilly.

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Atheists revolt!

In response to the Ikian attack on Eve, Atheists all around the Kerbolar system have revolted, with a revolting "Draw Silisko day" In which people would draw NovaSilisko, the Novaslim prophet, which is a huge crime for Novaslims. This was obviously a bad idea, as the Irrational Ikians just bombed the Evian Embasy on the Pointy Pole.

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The Joolian Empire has claimed the mostly deserted Moho as it's own, despite the Interplanetary Contract which states that Moho is a forbiden planet. Kerbin and Laythe have declared full-on war on Jool.

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The KL, ED and CPK all flew back to Moho and converged on one point where they held a great and terrible battle the likes iof which has not been seen since the early Joolian Colonies fought for indepence. It is still happening now but in heavily fortified trenches with each side slowly but surely gaining ground and regular supplie ships that often get raided by pirates!

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on the outer eage of kebin orbit

"Ma'am all fleets are in place for combat"

"Well then send the order"

"Yes ma'am"

-data stream locked-

"This is TRS odin to all fleets S-OP hells gates is a go"

*with that 25 fleets of 150 ships drop in to the battle raging over kerbin all three sides are taken with there pants down so to say with radio chatter filled with reports of drive flares all around kerbin orbit over 2000 flares as all 25 fleets fire up there engines traping all warring ships in system all this time there has been one of the most one sided battles going in eve orbit as 10 fleets of AM cannon armed drones combat 5 fleets of evian ships will in eves atmo the skys are in the hands of the TR drones the only place not having a massive battle go on in orbit of it is eelo were a TR frgate is looking for jeb the only kerbal that can end this may kod help us all if they dont here him out*

[so the war is coming to an end i hope unless some one kicks the TR the rong way hint hint]

Edit:[o and sorry for not posting for a day or two life got in the way]

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A new alliance is born

Two weeks bofore Moho got taken by joolians, in one of those forgotten Kerbin countries, Kapan, a new alliance was formed, the Kapan Rebel Alliance, for short, the KRA.

At KRA experimental center, Kirke Kerman, Billwell Kerman and Loford K. Kerman were debating.

Kirke : Loford, how is project KSX going?

Loford : Sr. Kirke, one of the experimental unmanned copys got captured by the Joolian Empire. When we got the signal warning us from that, we sent a self-destroy command. The 5 N.E.R.V.A Mk. 5 RM engines blew up, wiping out one hundred kilometers of the joolian surface. The other 3 copys got sucessfully in orbit and returned. Your ship is almost ready. The Fleet Station, loaded and in orbit. Lets put a end at this stupid war.

Kirke and Billwell agreed.

3 kerbal days later, Kirke's ship was sent to orbit, docked on the Fleet Station and got refueled with RM fuel and RM projectlies. Kirke got beamed aboard, and sent the go command to the fleet. Some recorded radio data was found.

*computer : PLAYING RADIO-1.SF*

*Fleet, undock. We got the most powerful armament know in this hypersystem. We may do it. Lets wipe eve out of the map!"

*computer : ORBIT-MAP : added manuever, transferred to Eve's orbit.*

*computer : WEAPONRY : Dropped the RM-Bombs. A huge red cloud, big enought that it could be seen from oribt appeared. A little single-second life dwarfstar appeared and eaten almost one continent out the planets surface.

*computer : WARP : KSX Destructo, Kirke's ship warped out of the explosion range. All the other fleet, lost.*

At the present..

Kirke : Mission was a sucess!

Loford kerman and Billwell agreed. As most of the fleet ships were unmanned, no kerbals were harmed, and a lot of damage to the Evian techlogy was dealt.

PS : RM means red matter. Stolen from the eveans, before they knew Antimatter and were fooled by the shyny look of antimatter.

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The planet known to be used only for scientific purposes, never to be used as a colony, has recently been conquered by Joolians. All of the science teams were driven out of the different Mohan territories, and many Joolian scientists revolted. "We came here for SCIENCE not military!" A certain Jeansgy Kerman shouted during the protest. The citizens were then promptly shown some amazing new technological invention, not a weapon at all, and then all died of shock. An Evian freighter with a damaged communicator was destroyed by the Joolians when bringing cargo to the Dunese colony.

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After hearing a lot of screams while patroling the Joolian's satelite network, Kirke, the new Capitain of the KRA decided to send a relay message.

*KRA COMPUTER : Message sent with body "Hello, people of Jool. We, at the KRA, want to team up, to get rid of the KL and ED alliances. We can provide you the weaponry." RECEIVER RID : J-E.64"

Kirke : Guys, we're waiting on a reply from the joolians. Prepare the fleet.

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[Errr shyzy your fleet at eve would of been hit with 4 full fleets of ships armed with AM cannons. Welp now i know no ones reading my posts im just going to make kerbol you supper nova as RM or to you ppl who did not see the new ST movie red matter is just OP how did KRA get there hands on RM tech wean its a tier-1 civs TECH!!! The evians come in at tier-4 i think my ppl the TR are just a bit hi'er then them. So im just going to egnore your posts untill they stop being 'hello we have tech that we sould not have lets play with it like we know evey thing there is to know about it']

Edit:[just read your edit but still RM even a gram of it can kill a planet think of the damge a kilo can do and dont get me started on a TONE! RM is still to OP for a ppl the have one system to have]

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Kapan Rebel Alliance

The Kapan Rebel Alliance is a rebel alliance formed in Kerbin. Like the UMP and MLF, they desire an end to this war. Unlike the rebel factions, however, they have red matter warheads, stronger than Evian antimatter. Only problem is, it takes 20 years to produce even a milligram of it. They only have 1 RM warhead left, and they hope to fire it into Kerbin. They have an expertise in spying, stealing all of Eve's red matter a few months before the Evians discovered how to produce 100 kilograms of antimatter in 5 minutes. Will they use their last warhead wisely? Will they gain independence? Will they stand the test of time?

Invasion of Bop & Defense Preparations

To support the Joolian Communists, the EPM (Evian Planetary Marines) and ESN (Evian Space Navy) will be doing a full-scale invasion of Bop. Once Bop is conquered, it will be given to the Joolian Communists, giving Jool yet another powerful enemy to deal with. Also, after the red matter attack, the EAF (Evian Air Force) will be sending unmanned planes to patrol all of Eve's skies to intercept any red matter warheads.

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Kapan Rebel Alliance

The Kapan Rebel Alliance is a rebel alliance formed in Kerbin. Like the UMP and MLF, they desire an end to this war. Unlike the rebel factions, however, they have red matter warheads, stronger than Evian antimatter. Only problem is, it takes 20 years to produce even a milligram of it. They only have 1 RM warhead left, and they hope to fire it into Kerbin. They have an expertise in spying, stealing all of Eve's red matter a few months before the Evians discovered how to produce 100 kilograms of antimatter in 5 minutes. Will they use their last warhead wisely? Will they gain independence? Will they stand the test of time?

Wrong. They got only one miligram of it left. That's equal to 1000 1picogram warheads anyways.

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