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What if there was a war for the Kerbol system? (You write it!)


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Kapan Rebel Alliance

The Kapan Rebel Alliance is a rebel alliance formed in Kerbin. Like the UMP and MLF, they desire an end to this war. Unlike the rebel factions, however, they have red matter warheads, stronger than Evian antimatter. Only problem is, it takes 20 years to produce even a milligram of it. They only have 1 RM warhead left, and they hope to fire it into Kerbin. They have an expertise in spying, stealing all of Eve's red matter a few months before the Evians discovered how to produce 100 kilograms of antimatter in 5 minutes. Will they use their last warhead wisely? Will they gain independence? Will they stand the test of time?

Wrong. They got only one miligram of it left. That's equal to 1000 1picogram warheads anyways.

At Kra's Underwater Base

After the Eve Red Matter Attack, the KRA council voted for what they would do with that 1000 picograms of redmatter. They decided to rip jool in half.

Kirke : Guys, go capsule 2 pico-redmatter warheads. Prepare the ICBM and send it to the station.

Billy-Bobman : Kirke! What are you doing bro?

Kirke looked at Billy's face saying : Who are you?

Billy : I'm one of the manned fleet ships commander, sir.

Kirke : AH. So, we are going to make a giant boom in Jool's atmosphere.

2 weeks later, with the ICBM charged, and full of one precius picogram of RM, fully fueled departed to jool. Unfortunately, Duna's gravity captured it. Kirke, thinking that 1 picogram was overpowered, tought "There goes the red planet.". Do you know that giant crater near the south pole? Yes, Kirke made it. Just a bit of kerbals lost anyways.

Kirke : The KRA does NOT care about kerbals. We care about profit.

Then, he runned to the satelite dish station.

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Kerbal Space Ship Snackatron

Somewhere near Eeloo..

"Damn, there's barely any Baby Kerman bars on board.. Thanks Jeb." Bill says to Jeb after finding out that Jeb ate all the snacks during the trip to Eeloo.

"Don't worry. The snacks aren't a big threat, not bigger than the war in the Kerbol system that is." Jeb replies.

The KSS Snackatron was the symbol of all of Kerbin's snacking industries. It took a trip to Pol then to Eeloo, to survey the far reaches of the Kerbol system. It also plans to go to Moho, to survey the extreme heat of the sun.

"I don't want to die, if we still have Separatons on board, I want to tear them off and then shoot them at an enemy. At Jool, that is what I meant." Bob shouts as he still has the fear of death.

"Well, don't worry, Bob. You won't die."

"Promise, jeb? Promise that you won't go crazy again?"

"Of course! I like being myself, after all those cookies. We're going to go to Laythe for resupply."

The KSS Snackatron then activates its Rockomax Mansnail, Skipper, and Atomic Engine motors and sets off for a Trajectory to Laythe.

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Kapan Space Craft Ragnarok

In somewhere near Laythe, the KSC Ragnarok was following KSS Snackatron. Activated its Evian target systems, those beatiful arrays of smart missles shyning with their new look.

Kirke himself was in that ship. He said :

"ATIVATE LAZORS! Target the Snackatron! TRACTOR BEAMS!"

And all the engineers replied, "YES SIR"

Before the Smackatron could transfer from jool to laythe, the ragnarok grabbed it and they slowed down to suborbital speeds.

Kirke was beamed to recruit Jebediah and Bob kerman.

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KSS Snackatron

As the Lazors were fired, the KSS Snackatron deploys its state-of-the-art and extremely strong heatshield to bounce back the lazors and tractor beams. Having barely any weapons, Jeb goes on EVA, takes out loads of Separatons, and then launches them at the Ragnarok.

As the Snackatron was also on a Suborbital trajectory, it activated its more powerful engines, going fast to go on the other side of Laythe.

"CRAP!! WERE GONNA DIE!" Bob screams

"Don't worry, Bob, we got half of our weapons left!!" Jeb replies

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Kapan Space Craft Ragnarok

Using its state-of-art Kaisimir field generators ( Kaisimir is a type of electromagnetic field that may be created using a homemade coil. No OP on that. ), the Ragnarok defents itself, and beams back Kirke. The engineers switch the Kaisimir field for propulsion and goes hypersonic to the Kapan Space Station. And shoots a yotagram (very, very, VERY small. 10^-10^100 if you understand maths) of RM to the smackatron. Of of those default superdense pulsars appeared and launched Snackatron 8x FTL.

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And there is no such thing as "Red Matter" In real life, and if you were to process Antimatter, then you would need QUADRILLION tons of Energy, or even something that could break physics (impossible). Unless you are a star trek nerd, then I suggest that you know that Anti Matter could rip anything in Space (matter, which is everywhere) apart. Literally.

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And there is no such thing as "Red Matter" In real life, and if you were to process Antimatter, then you would need QUADRILLION tons of Energy, or even something that could break physics (impossible). Unless you are a star trek nerd, then I suggest that you know that Anti Matter could rip anything in Space (matter, which is everywhere) apart. Literally.

Do you know that thing, that golden shiny thing, FICTION?

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Knowing the fact that KSP is based on Space physics, and that if you were to put Anti matter into physics, well, lets say, your game crashes.

Not with a small amount. Standard Evian AM warheads have only 5 milligrams of antimatter per warhead. However, even 1 milligram of antimatter produces the energy equivalent to the Hiroshima bomb * 2. The Hiroshima bomb produced energy equivalent to a 16 kiloton explosion.

Therefore, doing fairly simple math, Evian antimatter warheads produce the energy from a 160 kiloton explosion, therefore having an explosion a little over 1.5x as strong as Tsar Bomba, the world's most powerful nuclear bomb.

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They store it in antimatter.

If that doesn't make sense; I'll give you two additional things:

1. We haven't discovered all physics laws

2. This takes place in the future

With those two things, it is perfectly possible that the Evians have discovered a way to quickly produce antimatter and ensure that it is stable enough to not destroy everything.

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Wrong. They got only one miligram of it left. That's equal to 1000 1picogram warheads anyways.

I am pretty sure that's a bit OP and since you keep saying I could report you for spam. Trust me I have been on this thread for ages and OP stuff does't survive for long, just like the scs!

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I am pretty sure that's a bit OP and since you keep saying I could report you for spam. Trust me I have been on this thread for ages and OP stuff does't survive for long, just like the scs!

I'm pretty sure that 1 picogram of red matter damages almost the same area of New Zeland. After some maths I discovered the KRA would need 10 ^ ten hundred tousand RM 1picogram warheads to destroy a planet with radius of Earth.

Edited by ShyzyIndustries
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I'm pretty sure that 1 picogram of red matter damages almost the same area of New Zeland. After some maths I discovered the KRA would need 10 ^ ten hundred tousand RM 1picogram warheads to destroy a planet with radius of Earth.

I guess RM is not that bad, then. As long as it takes a long time to produce. (40 years per gram should be good.)

NOTE: Most planets in the Kerbol system have about 1/10 the radius of their Sol counterparts.

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I'm pretty sure that 1 picogram of red matter damages almost the same area of New Zeland. After some maths I discovered the KRA would need 10 ^ ten hundred tousand RM 1picogram warheads to destroy a planet with radius of Earth.

Theres no such things as Red Matter, and there isn't any kind of real life measurements to make it a legitmate resource.

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theres no such things as red matter, and there isn't any kind of real life measurements to make it a legitmate resource.

f - i - t - c - t - i - o - n!

Originally Posted by ShyzyIndustries

I guess RM is not that bad, then. As long as it takes a long time to produce. (40 years per gram should be good.)

NOTE: Most planets in the Kerbol system have about 1/10 the radius of their Sol counterparts.

Anyways, 40 years a gram is 4 years the miligram with is 0/4 years a nanogram and 0/04 to produce a picogram. Not that there is any kerbal technology to combine the HUGE energy required to make a picogram of red matter. A rule : anything lesser than a miligram requires 10^time energy to make.

Edited by ShyzyIndustries
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How do you know if Red Matter could sustain damage to anything then, it wouldn't exist in the first place and it would literally tear a hole in space and time.

Red matter was an unstable matter with distinct gravitational properties. It's superdense red dye!!

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But as this is the future, where new physics laws could have been discovered, let's just continue the story.

We left off on the end of a battle between KSS Snackatron and a Kapan ship.

Remains of the Ragnarok

As the Snackatron sheilds reflected the beam, and with 2 of the Ragnarok's engines, the KRA fleet is now in serius trouble. All the krakenpoo - redmatter converters would take 20 years a gram and just materializing it out of thin air would take 40, the KRA got no more planet bustin weaponry in the following 20 to 40 years. However, as eveian rebels joined the KRA, and with the newly stabilished Joolian Konvension of physis laws, creating red, dark and antimatter weaponry is possible in almost half the time. Materialization, in a ship going ten hundred times the speed of light would take 25.555555 years or so. However, acheiving ten hundred times the speed of light would litteraly require converting the entire Kilky Kay into raw and pure energy. With eveian warpdrives it is possible to acheive 95.99999 percent of the speed of light, but that would reduce the time to 39.9999. Useless bu**s***.

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[Comes back from playing SPAZ and sees so much OP'nes holy chap]

at fleet node one TR fleet 90

"Sir and ma'am KRA ships are closing in on this node scans show 20 RM warheads in the fleet"

"Well kilo it seems that the KRA have found us i think this maybe the time to show our full power?"

"Yes it is mark call in the reflex the KRA have just kicked up one hell of a **** storm"

-data link locked-

-sending jump point codes-

-codes locked and running-

*out side in space you can see point of light said point of light then expands to 1km in radis then coming out of it is one of the biggest ship the kerbol system has seen coming in at over 3km long and 1.2km wide[think of a SW SD] its the biggest damn ship known to kerbal kind and all this time a video of it has been sent to all planets in the system along with this sound file*

"This is grand commaner gattaling of the reflex naviy what you are seeing is the frist of a new line of ships we call them home planets they are a war ship frist and a cloney 2nd with a crew of 5000 and armour in the 20m range and a weapons load out of over 200 railguns and 100s of missile banks it is like flyinn in to a wall

*f shells for any ship, this one ship can take on 25 nomal fleets at once. But thats y we have a rule for calling in these ships it goes like this 'if any fleet node is found or civ base hit a HP may be called if said node or base is wiped out one more ship may be called a max of two ships may be in system if all bases in system have been hit and taken out 10 ships may be used at once' now all you need to knwill this is going on the reflex has benn killing off the KRA fleetow is that the group KRA has now hitting in over there heads we have been sitting and waiting for this war to stop we even hoped that jeb could stop this once and for all but it seems like we were rong. Jeb if you see this may kod and god help you and if this ends like i hope drinks are on me"

*will this was going on the reflex was riping the KRA fleet a new one*

[And with that the TR are now in full gear and ready for a war on full system scale hope im not making the TR to OP im just one uping shyzy]

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The KRA's Broadcast

Earlier tody, the KRA's commander, Kirke Kerman, sent a public broadcast to all the active factions.

"Hello, people of the Kerbol system. This is a message from the KRA's commander. I'm just sending this, to warn you, that if you destroy the Ragnarok, the Kerbol system's gone. The RM warheads WILL combust and create a Singularity of the size of all the planet's mass. (after some time)"

Good thing it was just a warning, Kirke isn't crazy enough to arm a ship capable to destroy the kerbol system.

OOC : Idk what TR is.

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The KRA's Broadcast

Earlier tody, the KRA's commander, Kirke Kerman, sent a public broadcast to all the active factions.

"Hello, people of the Kerbol system. This is a message from the KRA's commander. I'm just sending this, to warn you, that if you destroy the Ragnarok, the Kerbol system's gone. The RM warheads WILL combust and create a Singularity of the size of all the planet's mass. (after some time)"

Good thing it was just a warning, Kirke isn't crazy enough to arm a ship capable to destroy the kerbol system.

OOC : Idk what TR is.

OOC : TR stands for 'the reflex'

on bord the reflex

"Commaneder all ships but the KRA flag ship are down or out"

"Good ready the main gun for firing"

"Heling are you shore you wont to show them it?"

"Yes gatt i do"

-running grav cannon_fire.exe-

*the noze of the ship opens to show a small star or what seems to be one*

"Open a link to the flag ship"

"Aye aye cap"

-data link locked-

"KRA ship you have one min to dump the RM warheads so we can take the out or you well be hit with a pin point black hole to take them out ether way the warheads will be hit"

-link cut-

[shyzy your turn mate]

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