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[0.20] Deadly Reentry 2.3 - reentry heat, plus thermal and g-force damage to parts


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AHA! I know what's happening! Posting a new version that should fix this.

Just to let you know, the newest version has fixed the lag for me and I'm no longer getting lots of errors in the SPH/VAB.

Thanks :)

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I stumbled across the 1.3 plugin on the Spaceport, installed it, and promptly removed it feeling very disappointed when it proved antiquated (.viz broken in 20.2.) On a whim I thought to search the forums, and when I found someone was actively working on new versions I squealed like a little girl. Just posting to say your hard work is greatly appreciated; I'm especially impressed that you're refining the code and working on effects-balancing at the same time. For a volunteer effort, that's above and beyond.

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look at this,

I didn't make this, but I think it would be awsome to have in deadly-re-entry.

I grabbed that and added it to the deadlyreentry.cfg file:

@maxTemp = 1700
{ // this is a copy paste of the mk1 pod ablative shielding.
name = ModuleHeatShield
direction = 0, -1, 0 // bottom of pod
reflective = 0.05 // 5% of heat is ignored at correct angle
ablative = AblativeShielding
{ // loss is based on the shockwave temperature (also based on density)
key = 650 0 // start ablating at 650 degrees C
key = 1000 64 // peak ablation at 1000 degrees C
key = 3000 80 // max ablation at 3000 degrees C
{ // dissipation is based on the part's current temperature
key = 300 0 // begin ablating at 300 degrees C
key = 500 180 // maximum dissipation at 500 degrees C
name = AblativeShielding
amount = 250
maxAmount = 250

I think it needs a bit of tweaking to accommodate the 1-2 pod. Maybe a touch more ablation? It has run out of ablation resource every time I've tested it, regardless of whether I survive or not.

Also, for some reason every part on my ship is being listed as IsShielded: False. Ship is just a parachute a pod and a shield with the shield held retrograde. Ablation is working on the shield, shield's heat spikes after ablation wears out, and the other components are holding together so I don't know if it matters.

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Update! Fixed a (somewhat rare?) Null Pointer bug, and ModuleManager has been updated.

Cool, I was seeing that bug.

Question, are the parts 'UP_decoupler_2' and 'UP_missing_heat_shield' supposed to be missing the PART {} wrapper? I added them and they load fine now.

I'm still getting a lot of modulemanager related errors, but I'll hop over to that thread...

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For some reason DR 2.2d makes "[0.20.2] Mission Controller v0.6 (06/13/2013) [ALPHA]" stop working.

MC icon doesn't show up anymore, worked fine with DR 2.2c though.

Is it tied with the modulemanager update ?

EDIT : confirmed, putting back the old modulemanager DLL in DR2.2d fixed the problem.

Edited by Athlonic
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On a totally fresh install of 20.2 with only 2.2d, Deadly Reentry doesn't work, and I get the following errors in the log:

Could not load file or assembly 'ModuleManager, Version=1.0.4894.22141, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null' or one of its dependencies.
Missing method Awaken in assembly /Users/██████████████/KSP/KSP_osx/GameData/DeadlyReentry/Plugins/DeadlyReentry.dll, type ModuleManager.ModuleManager

My GameData folder looks like this:


I copied everything to GameData except the various source code folders … or at least that's what I meant to do. Did I get it wrong? Just to be clear, the ModuleManager.dll file is the one that came out of your DeadlyReentry2.2d zip archive.

Version 2.2c works perfectly under the same conditions.

Just for funzies, I replaced your ModuleManager.dll with version 1.2 from this thread, but that didn't change anything. Also for funzies, I installed 2.2c, then replaced ModuleManager.dll with the latest version from that thread, and got the same error. (Not that I expected that to work, but hey, more data.)

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Alright, well, I just installed this, and my first order of business was to deorbit a big piece of space station.

Imagine my surprise when it fell through the entire atmosphere of Kerbin and nothing exploded. The docking ports read over 900C and nothing happened :/ It was mostly cylindrical monopropellant tanks, I was expecting to see them tearing off and exploding like popcorn.

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this mod is very nice, i enjoy having re-entry effects drawn properly, as it always annoyed me to get mach effects while cruising through the lower atmosphere at 1.2km/s after interplanetary returns (also the part where that would disitegrate anything ever built, thats great as well). i have found that the heatshields' higher drag tends to flip my craft on re-entry, but with small modifications to make it FAR compatible, it works great! it also makes making a 10 kerbal space station lifeboat alot harder.

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Alright, well, I just installed this, and my first order of business was to deorbit a big piece of space station.

Imagine my surprise when it fell through the entire atmosphere of Kerbin and nothing exploded. The docking ports read over 900C and nothing happened :/ It was mostly cylindrical monopropellant tanks, I was expecting to see them tearing off and exploding like popcorn.

If you're having the same problem I'm having, nothing exploded because the mod isn't actually working. Check your debug log (by hitting alt-F12) and see if it's filling up with red error messages like the ones I pasted into a comment a few above this one.

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the problem is not this mod but the modmanager.dll has a bug in it. so installing FAR does that fix the drag issues with the heat sheilds then? cause right now due to a bug in modmanager.dll u have to use a older version of modmanger.dll to get deadly reentry to work.

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The bug seems to be with the version of ModuleManager being linked by DeadlyReentry. ildasm says for DeadlyReentry.dll:

.assembly extern ModuleManager


.ver 1:0:4894:22141


but the included ModuleManager.dll has the version .ver 1:0:4914:41184 .

This means that the dll was compiled with an older version of ModuleManager. Therefore the game moans about being unable to locate the assembly with the older version. Recompilation with the new version or including the specified version of ModuleManger.dll would fix this.

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If you're having the same problem I'm having, nothing exploded because the mod isn't actually working. Check your debug log (by hitting alt-F12) and see if it's filling up with red error messages like the ones I pasted into a comment a few above this one.

Holy **** look at all them errors.

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It was Alt+D+R in 2.1 but no idea if its changed.

No, that's not it. @ialdabaoth, could you tell us if there's any way to adjust the multiplier for the heat on reentry? Or can we change it some other way?

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