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How many forum users does it take to screw in a lightbulb?


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1 user to point out that halogen lightbulbs are brighter and more energy efficient.

4 to argue over economics of lightbulbs, using terms such as "price brackets" and "user demographics".

1 to note that halogen lightbulbs produce "harmful UV radiation".

3 to argue over whether the amount of UV produced by the bulb is significant and/or actually harmful.

1 to showcase a home-made skin tanning station using halogen lightbulbs.

1 to bring up blacklights.

3 to post pictures of parties where blacklights were used (along with copious amounts of alchohol).

1 to bring up how prohibition of alchohol didn't really work, and how we should likewise rethink bans on other drugs.

13 to engage in narcotic flamewar.

1 mod to roll back last 72 posts of flames and throw out a couple bans for good measure.

3 users to discuss the technology behind blacklights, and contemplate just how high an electromagnetic frequency could be reached through gas fluorescence.

1 to proclaim that flourescent lightbulbs are much greener than other types.

3 to complain how flourescent lightbulbs hurt their eyes and are too dim besides.

2 to suggest that "natural light" flourescents work better.

3 to complain that those also hurt their eyes.

1 to point out that flourescent lightbulbs contain mercury, and thus can't really be environmentally friendly.

5 to argue about just how much mercury is actually present, and whether that amount could be harmful.

1 to note that "natural light" flourescents actually use xenon, rather than the mercury found in must flourescents.

2 to argue that since flourescents have been used in office buildings for years, that they must be completely safe.

1 to suggest LED based bulbs as an alternative.

1 to complain that LED lights, having narrow band emissions, have the same light quality problems as flourescents.

4 to note that both LEDs and flourescents are expensive and return to the "price brackets" and "user demographics" arguement.

and finally,

1 California legislator to skim the thread, and use this as a sole basis to draft a new law banning several types of lightbulbs.

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