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Need some help deciding where t go next


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I just put a HUGE transfer stage into LKO, to test the new docking adapters, and now I am spoilt for chose of where to go next.

I have a Moho window in 5 days, ( I know it's a lot of delta v, but it has 3 orange tanks), Duna, and carry some new colony parts, eve, and carry the mission module I built (a manned and unmanned rover), or go to eeloo.

My other idea is to use it to ship a tylo lander.

EDIT, I can't put pictures up until Thursday.

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Dude, I'm just going to Moho to see the hole and to make me feel good, I may go again to build a colony.

Also, alpha is alpha, the planets aren't fleshed it, I don't see eve having any artifacts to visit.

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