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(Improved?) physics of KSP with version 0.20.0


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What occured when i downloaded v 0.20.0 of KSP:

1. My former MMB (Mobile Mün Base consitend of several rovers) acted incorecctly: A chosen base-part docked to the main-core was "deformed" (acting like a concertina when accelerated) and hold it's attitude

until "end of flight"; after undocking only foreward and backward movements were possible.

2. With the implementation of Pod-parts this problem was to be solved. But what a pity for far-reaching planet-observetory crafts witch are to complete in orbit with unmanned probes?

3. I was in a perfect orbit for Mün (0.0 inclanation); but after looking for several approach types (hohmann-trajectory and behind it) i was suddenly in an 26 degree inclanation! No chance for an Apollo-like

spacecraft to change it's plane! That is frustrating even more when long-term projects (Jool and Eve e.g.) are underway!

3. When i landed on mün after the first EVA there was only 35% EVA-fuel left when my Kerbal entered the lander. On the following EVA my Kerbal (maybe don't holding on the ladder) fell thought Mün, and all:

My Kerbal, the lander, Mün and even Kerbin where not existing anymore!

If anybody else is to experience this behaviours of KSP it's time to say the dev's: Don't implement untested physics, stay tuned to that from v 0.19.2! ;)

And one message over all: If i'm not a member of the forum that logged in, i can't exess the ability to post a answer to s.o. or a new Thread. So don't ask for an legitimation again after this is already

been done! :(

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