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First person view for docking?

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Is it possible to get an FPS view for docking, as if a camera was mounted in (or next to) your docking port? A lot of my ship designs have the payload in front of the command module, and if the payload is long the camera position is a good distance away from the port itself.

With the camera position and the distance from the port itself, its very difficult for me to keep track of all three axis at a time and makes for a long adjustment process getting the ports lined up just right. I usually can track two of them, and find the third has drifted off, adjust that, and then find I'm out of alignment now in one of the first two.

If there is an first person view where its like you are looking out of the docking port that would be great, especially if it oriented itself so that it matched your RCS controls. I've tried 'control from here' on the docking port but that didn't seem to do anything useful for the camera angle and positioning.


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There are camera mods that allow this sort of thing. r4m0n has one that I like, though I haven't messed with it since 0.20 came out.

Control from here reorients your navball and controls so that the indicated part defines what is up/down/left/right/front/back.

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