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Dastardly Descent!

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Well, Jebediah did it again.

To spare you the gruesome details, let's just say he.. erm.. crashed a thirteen billion dollar rocket into the Kerbal Industries Supply Warehouses. It wasn't a total loss, though! He just managed to destroy EVERY descent engine, parachute, and winglet that we worked so hard to buy from the scrapyard- I mean trustworthy companies.

Well, you know what that means, don't you? TIME TO IMPROVISE!

Your mission, whether you choose to accept it or not, is to design a landing module capable of surviving any fall to Kerbin without engines, without parachutes, without wings! Yes, this includes RCS. Yes, this includes solid fuel motors.

But don't fret! You can use anything else at your disposal. Well, almost. The incident caused most of our major backers to grow distasteful of our space exploits. Exotic part imports are no longer available from most companies. Only Mechanical Jeb Indistries, B9 aerospace and KW rocketry really trust us anymore. But that's just because we blackmail them.

SO! Without further adieu, here's a formal breakdown of the mission.

  1. Build a crew-carrying descent module capable of surviving a kerbin de-orbit
  2. Don't use any mods other than: MechJeb, B9, and KW
  3. No descent engines, parachutes, wings(though you can use them for orientation. It's a challenge, it's meant to be fun- not overly strict.)
  4. Your craft must survive.
  5. This is a lander challenge. I don't care how your craft got into orbit or de-orbited. You may use engines to initiate the de-orbit burn, but not to kill landing velocity. Which doesn't really matter on Kerbin, you'll only hit about 110m/s tops in the lower atmosphere anyway.

Now, just to prove this is possible, here's my design. Though it didn't reach orbit, it still hit terminal velocity and even caught re-entry heat. It topped at 59.8km. Proof

There isn't a set scoring system, this is more of a creative challenge than a competition. BUT! There will be a hall of fame for a bonus section. All of the rules still apply, however, the bonus section will take place on the mun; due to the lack of aerobraking. It'll be judged by top speed upon impact(and surviving, of course!)

Hall of Fame

....nobody yet

Well, have at it! :cool:

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