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Wing Xero MK2 Vertical takeoff SSTO

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I saw the SSTO's users have submitted and any attempt myself beyond a modified Aeris or something of similar simplicity always ended in cataclysm.

I had some criteria to meet before I'd consider an SSTO worthy of my time.

1. It had to take off vertically so that its launch could be optionally assisted via attached booster rockets. (IE depending on it mission it could be possible get to a location without ever having to refuel)

2. It had to be capable of getting into orbit on its own with at least 1 nuclear engine so it would be suitable for long range operations once refueled.

This would be my 9th or 10th attempt at making a large SSTO, and this is the first large SSTO I was able to get into orbit.

No modded parts except for Mechjeb which I highly recommend.

It weighs about 65 tons fully fueled.








8 Turbofans

4 Aerospikes

1 Nuclear

Part file and instructions of how to get into orbit will be available soon if requested.

Edited by Killenger
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  • 2 months later...

Nice! Your craft even looks good!

I am also trying to build a vertical takeoff SSTO. My design is similar to yours, but I am barely not getting into orbit.

What is your flight plan? I think my rocket has the right design, but I am ascending inefficiently.

My flight plan (that doesn't work):

1. Climb vertically till an alt of 10km

2. Angle to 45 at a heading of 90 until an alt of 15km

3. Angle to 15 until I get close to running out of intake air and reach about 1100m/s at an alt of about 21km

4. Turn on rockets and turn off jets and intakes and point nose at a 45

5. Turn off aerospikes when my apsis reaches 75km but continue using nuclear

6. Run out of fuel at about 2000m/s...

My craft:

51 tons

6 turbojets

3 aerospikes

2 nuclear engines

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