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That big bit of Doctor Who news (spoilers)


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So... Matt Smith is leaving at the end of the year.... this makes me sad, I personally liked him a lot as the Doctor, I was hoping he would outlast Moffat in fact, be nice to see him under a different producer.

What pisses me off though is that he won't be leaving on the 50th anniversary, but... a christmas special. I am so tired of these consistently bad to mediocre cheesefests set around a human holiday framing every single important event in the Doctor's life.

One more series would have been nice, perhaps even ideal.

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Worse for me, I don't even celebrate christmas and don't understand the obsession TV seems to have with producing special episodes for it. xD

But yeah, I liked Smith's doctor too, even though I'm looking forward to seeing what John Hurt could have possibly done to not deserve being called the Doctor. Hopefully, it has to do with preventing some Extermination, though if McGann could get away with "wiping out" two civilisations, perhaps I shouldn't be so excited about finding out what he did.

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I hadn't even considered that, but now it makes so much sense. Still, Doctor 9 speaks of it as if he was the incarnation that did it. But it'd be so cool to have Doctor Hurt run around during the height of the time war.

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