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Down Under Aerospace & Party Supplies [v0.5] [REMASTERED]


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  DeCi said:

Heya, Any update on the Launch Vehicle for the Ausplane? 8)

Yeah, it\'s coming soon.

I\'ve got a design that works, I just need to make it a bit easier to fly.

  GoDamitt said:

I reckon your 'hd' textures should be your standard ones.

I like to keep the file size down as much as possible.

The HD texture pack is almost as big as the entire Down Under pack together.

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Great pack, one of my favorites. Especially the Mei Long is very useful, and the retro boosters are great.

The Proton-style engines are pathetic though, I\'ve used 6 of them attempting to make a Proton-like rocket and it didn\'t even got off the ground.

Now that we have a TKS, a functional Proton would come in really handy.

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  hebdomad said:

I love the space plane. A truly kerbal craft!

Now I can\'t wait for retractable landing gear, working cargo bay doors, and docking. (maybe fixed aero dynamics too)

But it\'s so FUN to fly (read: crash) as it is!!! :D

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Well, let\'s talk about what we want next.

I want to do a parachute part (stackable), a 2m stack decoupler (not a shroud) and a SRB nosecone with separation motors (hell yes). I\'m also thinking about a new all-in-one capsule/lander (with animated landing gear) to replace the Mei Long.

So what do you want in Down Under 0.5?

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  Sbowyer28 said:


You really love those legs, don\'t you? :P

  Luigibro606 said:

An animated landing leg that unfolds from a small storage box. Like in the pic.

Unfortunately, landing legs can only pivot about one axis as far as I can see.

Otherwise I\'d be updating the hell out of the Mei Long LLV (which is supposed to have folding/telescoping legs).

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I think your list is pretty good, and no I\'m not trying to inflate your ego. Only other thing I can think of is that if you\'re going to do an SRB cap with motor, it\'d be nice to see a better linear decoupler as the only ones I have are so-so or designed for specific parts.

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I want a decorative 2M nosecone for attaching to the top of side-mounted 2M fueltanks, and the like.

I\'ve been making do by using the 2M -> 1M fairing... but it just looks odd.

Purely cosmetic, of course.

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  Slew said:

You really love those legs, don\'t you? :P

Unfortunately, landing legs can only pivot about one axis as far as I can see.

Otherwise I\'d be updating the hell out of the Mei Long LLV (which is supposed to have folding/telescoping legs).

JES :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D
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  Sid said:

I want a decorative 2M nosecone for attaching to the top of side-mounted 2M fueltanks, and the like.

I\'ve been making do by using the 2M -> 1M fairing... but it just looks odd.

Purely cosmetic, of course.

Good idea.

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