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Trick, how to tell how much of an orbit you flew

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Align your ship to the horizon and in flight direction.

Wait and don't touch any key.

When your ship points directly up, you have done 25% orbit.

When your ship points to the horizon again you have done 50% orbit.

When your ship points directly to the ground, you have done 75% orbit.

and when your ships points to the horizon again, you have done 100% orbit.

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I've noticed this as well. You can also take your total ground distance (Remember you can end a mission to get stats, then close the window to resume it) and divide the planet's circumference.

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  allocater said:

Align your ship to the horizon and in flight direction.

Wait and don't touch any key.

You can end up slowly drifting off this way. Best to hit your SAS to lock your orientation in. But yeah, the navigation ball makes a decent time-of-orbit clock.

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  cjameshuff said:

You can end up slowly drifting off this way. Best to hit your SAS to lock your orientation in. But yeah, the navigation ball makes a decent time-of-orbit clock.

It would be really neat if you could switch the attitude indicator from Kearth-relative to absolute. That way you could easily maintain your orientation.

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