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How do you create a rover and get it to the mun successfuly?

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I just got the game a few days ago. And today i completed my first moon landing. I'd like to build a full base there but i need rovers first. i just need a link to a tutorial video or detailed instructions on making a rover and landing it on the mun. thanks! :)

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Hey man, welcome aboard.

What you're asking for is how to see results in the game without playing, because the process of figuring these things out is the game. =)

If you have specific hang-ups, you will find a bajillion people here who are willing to help, but if it's a munar sandbox that you're after, use hyperedit or persistent file edits or something.

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Yes, the secret to doing anything big in KSP is a lot of trial-and-error, testing parts on Kerbin before sending them off to the Mun, designing rockets, and so on. This is rather similar to real life space programs; the amount of testing required for the Apollo Program was huge!

As for landing rovers, they are generally quite similar to landing kerbals in capsules, except that they are generally a more unwieldy payload (either make it symmetrical or play with the centre of mass and your rockets to make it fly straight), and don't need the capability to return to Kerbin.

If you're looking for video tutorials, Scott Manley is one of the best; he does great videos and some amazing tutorials as well.

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If you make small 4 wheel 10m/s rovers you can easily strap them to the side of landers using symmetry and docking ports or separators then blast them off when you land. as long as you have a module on it you can control it and even right it if it lands on its back... small rovers are very light. If you've gotten to the Mun already likely you have some spare delta-v enough for a couple of little rovers too...

my favourite mun landing has to be unintentionally lithobreaking a lander carrying only 3 rovers and detaching them one by one as the ship turned into a fireball sliding across the surface - they all survived to some degree - one in operable - another with one damaged wheel and another with solar panels missing. The lander was almost utterly obliterated. :)

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