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Structural Failure Between Fuel and Engine

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Hello, I am a fairly new player to KSP, but I have already *crashed* onto the mun and planted a flag. Now I am trying to get to minmus.

I designed a rocket that I *think* should do it. but when I launch, my middle engine doesnt fire and *sits* on the ground while my rocket fires away.

Its like they aren't connected, even though I have tested it ALOT, and they are indeed attached. Here is a screenshot of my rocket:



I have NO idea how to fix it.

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I had a problem with a lander : arrived at the Mün, when I get rid of the lower stage, one of my engines of the upper stage was going away with the lower...

It was obviously a bug : back at the VAB, when I disconnected the two stages, the engine I'm talking about was floating away with the lower stage, as if it was part of it... Just had to ditch it, and put another one...

Maybe you got the same bug here : the middle engine is considered to be part of the launch clamps, and stays with them.

Nothing to do but beware of your staging : I can see a fuel line going from two of your external tanks. If you want to make an asparagus stage, then your sequence is not good, cause you're get rid of those 4 external tanks at the same stage.

Edited by Akalaël
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