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A Rocket!

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So I built a rocket using some parts from the KW Challenger pack, among others. I\'ve done some .cfg editing, so I think it might be easier to just post the /Parts/ folder (zipped) along with the .craft file. For those of you who don\'t know, you should rename your /Parts/ folder before copying mine in, to avoid problems. Pictures and .craft are attached, parts soon.

Flight characteristics: decently stable during most launches, but extremely wobbly on the pad. You\'ll want to launch right away, ideally before the rocket loads, and hit the SAS and full throttle as well. This will ensure upward launch. RCS should be activated at ~28km or so. Also, the bottom stage likes to cause problems upon jettison. Look out for crazy spinning due to SAS confusion.

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It\'s similar, yeah. It\'s kinda unstable, due to ASAS issues and wobbliness.

Blame the game. When the physics gets changed my master do almost everything vanilla rocket wont work anymore. :(

* Absolutely no wobble when its not lagging.*

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