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Anomalies again...

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So I successfully landed on Duna! Yeah!

Even after checking for anomalies with a probe (waiting 20 days for it to arrive). So very looking forward to exploring...

BUT: I don't seem to have much luck with anomalies...

After much searching, I found it.

See here:


The vessel is firmly landed and not floating above the ground. The "face" is below ground. DANG.

Is this just me? Or is this a bug?

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It's a known bug where you need the highest terrain detail setting to see the Face on Duna.

It's because the face sits in a dip down in the landscape. When terrain detail is not maximum, so that the ground consists of fewer larger polygons rather than more smaller polygons, some of the vertices that define the ground get skipped over. For example, you might only see the ground drawn between every-other vertex, or between every fourth vertex, and so on. As it turns out, some of the low vertices that define the dip the face sits in happen to be the ones that get skipped over at lower details settings. So unless the terrain is at maximum detail, the game paints the terrain as if there was no dip in the landscape where the face is.

Changing terrain detail is one of the places where the game seems to have some buggy behavior, because that same vertex-skipping that affects the LOOK also affects where the terrain is for collision detection with the ground. It's possible to change the detail level in such a way that a lander that was sitting on the ground before is now below the ground after changing the settings and reloading the game because changing the detail level moved the ground polygons.

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