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Mission difficulty's 1-16


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So I've send probes, rovers and kerbals to the Mun and Minmus, built a space station in Kerbin orbit and now I would like to see other planets/moons in the Kerbol system.

My question is, where should I go first or what is the easiest planet/moon outside of Kerbin? What do you think?

Please, if you have the time make a list and maybe say why this is the easiest :)

My guess would be another planet and from that planet to a moon/satellite.

We have from the Kerbol and out(Wiki):

*Moho (planet)

*Eve (planet)

-Gilly (asteriod)

*Kerbin (planet)

-Mun (moon)

-Minmus (moon)

*Duna (planet)

-Ike (moon)

*Dres (planet)

*Jool (planet)

-Laythe (??)

-Vall (??)

-Tylo (moon)

-Bop (asteroid/moon?)

-Pol (??)

*Eeloo (planet)

Btw, a satellite.. is exactly what? Read that a "Natural satellite or moon is a celestial body that orbits a planet or a smaller body." So in another word of satellite is..

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Moho can be a real pain to get to. Not for getting there, but for slowing down when you get there. Eve, Duna & Dres (and the moons as applicable) are all the same difficulty, I've found anyway. Jool was ok, not tried the moons of Jool yet. Eeloo was also easy enough to get to, but only because of what I'd learnt from my Moho efforts.

Crack Moho, and I believe the system is yours for the taking. Everything else from then on in is relatively simple.

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I went to Duna first and then my next mission was Laythe. Duna is quite easy to land on, I've got several large bases on it. With some parachutes and an aerobrake, you can land with minimal fuel expended. The trouble is getting there.

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Dunas a good starting point. Easy to get to and the easiest to land and return from, along with Ike. Eve is easy to get to too, but don't expect an easy return mission from the surface, Gilly is worth a visit though.

If you have the time and inclination, I'd recommend you set up a space station around Duna and run Kethane mining on Ike, it'll help support operations on Duna, and allow you to reuse landers for it.

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Well thanks for the respons :) Im thinking on Duna since alot of people go there after Mun instead of Minmus. And like you say Duna have a atmosphere, lower then Kerbin but anyway, aerobraking manuvers in a couple of orbits, parachutes with a litle bit of thrust from the engines and landing gear out. Think the hardest part is to get there with fuel left, atleast for me mohaha.

I love this forum :) So many helpfull people

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Eve is not good for coming back from

Dres is the third hardest planet to get to, just because it's 'halfway to Jool' doesn't make it any easier.

Laythe still takes a fair whack of delta/v to get to.

Apollo-style landers can be quite good if you are good at docking (carrying no landing gear back again, the landers can be de-orbited)

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