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Oldest Computer Specs?


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About a year, though it was pretty much top of the line at the time, so still able to run almost anything at max details.

I do keep my old ZX Spectrum around, though. Not much point, though - I\'m fairly sure the tapes will be unusable after what, twenty years of just sitting there?

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About a year, though it was pretty much top of the line at the time, so still able to run almost anything at max details.

I do keep my old ZX Spectrum around, though. Not much point, though - I\'m fairly sure the tapes will be unusable after what, twenty years of just sitting there?

All the dust will change what the computer reads
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About a year, though it was pretty much top of the line at the time, so still able to run almost anything at max details.

I do keep my old ZX Spectrum around, though. Not much point, though - I\'m fairly sure the tapes will be unusable after what, twenty years of just sitting there?

I found a web archive (no link sorry) where someone has recorded LOADS of tapes to MP3 files to put on an i-pod/other mp3 player. One of my dads mates still has a spectrum and does it that way.

My laptop is 2 or 3 years old. Celeron single core @2ghz, 3gb RAM, intel 945GMA. Awful for playing games with an intel chipset. When I click launch in kerbal I have to wait about 5 minutes while the computer decides that ksp.exe isn\'t responding.

Desktop is unknown age but pentium 4 @3.6ghz, 6gb of RAM (old owner didn\'t know that 32bit windows can only use 3.6gb and I\'ve not put my 64 bit win 7 on yet), intel chipset of some sort that doesn\'t match up to any known model on either dell or intel web-sites and has no support for directx 9 and can\'t cope with openGL at all.

And then my old computer:

Overclocked to 700mhz, 256MB RAM, twin hard disks of 8GB and 4GB after formatting. CD read only drive and 3.5inch floppy drive. Last upgrade it got was a USB 2.0 card and then I got my hands on it. Cooling consisted of taking part of the case off and placing a desk fan next to it. For whatever reason plugging fans of any type into the motherboard didn\'t work (got a computer repair guy to take a look at it, he concluded that the hardware was ancient and indeed it was). The heat sync was large enough that it would passively cool if not overclocked but seeming as it took half an hour to boot with the overclock I didn\'t dare go there.

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I found a web archive (no link sorry) where someone has recorded LOADS of tapes to MP3 files to put on an i-pod/other mp3 player. One of my dads mates still has a spectrum and does it that way.

Good god, that is just such an amazing idea. Plugging a 60 gig iPod into a ZX Spectrum that has a mere 48 kB of RAM and a CPU hundreds of times slower... I really love kludging cutting edge tech with old stuff like this. Kudos to your dad\'s mate.

Though if I wanted to play some of them again, I\'d just download an emulator.

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Guest GroundHOG-2010

I had too be beaten. Oh well. My dad still has a working laptop running DOS. It has 1 mb ram and a little more that 3 mb of hd space. Its 20 years old at the moment and you can still play the original Duke Nukem on it (I have the game on floppy).

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TI99/4A in my Dad\'s closet. It last ran a few years ago, but when I tried to fire it up a few months ago it wouldn\'t work. He still has the receipt from Sears dated 10-13-83 (after they had been discontinued). The computer cost $55, he had the family 10% discount, and his total after tax was like $52.50. Dunno the specs, it\'s got a 16bit processor though!

Oldest computer I remember was an old Compaq that ran Win 3.1 + Dos (via command prompt). Had 16 MB RAM and a massive 450MB hard drive (lol!)

Oldest working computer is a different old Compaq with a P3 @1.5GHz and like 20GB of HDD space.

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Lets see. Oldest which I still have.

2004 Custom Built $1500

Pentium 4 (Somewhere between 2 - 2.4GHz)

RAM 512Mb (Upgraded to 1Gb)

HD 80Gb

Graphics 128Mb

Network Card 64Mb

Windows XP (Also runs Ubuntu 10)

This computers fan stopped working and the parts fried but still works just.

BIOS became faulty. Fixed by reset, still very slow at loading hardware.

RAM has several thousand errors. I would suspect only 800Mb is useable.

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An old IBM ... I mean OLD .....

i386 @ 33 Mhz

16 MB of ram ( 2 8 meg Texas instruments modules)

WDAC1170-00F (117 MB HDD , Still works, Original)

CD drive on an ISA controller

Floppy (how else would we get w3.1?)

and An ISA Data acquisition controller from daytronics (which was hooked up to a K10 DAC)

severed from its home in APU Test Cell A in Tulsa OK

The story attached to how I got it

My dad works for American Airlines, and Cell A wasn\'t up to FAA snuff, That is , They need a readout on the spin-up time from lightoff to 35% 65% and 100% RPM (for the 85-98DHF APU out of the MD and super 80) After a bunch of fiddling I got 3.1 up and running in a virtual PC and had the APU program installed , After even more fiddling I found out how to add the 4 lines of code it needed

I am not an employee for American Airlines nor am I an independent contractor... So I 'Could not be payed' (the guy from Test Logic quoted 23K) I was sent home on a free flight in first class on an MD80 that needed some major brake repair (which by the way for american airlines the main brake and wheel center IS IN TULSA) and about 2 weeks later I received both the old computer and a brand new HP TM2 (I left my old one to run the test cell on the understanding I would be getting a new one)

Guess it might look good on a resume at least :-\

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I think my MacBook is coming up on four years old now.

i think mine is coming up to 5 or something. i bought it second hand four years ago and took me 3 months to discover that the old owner had removed the Bluetooth Chip. its in alright condition for a veteran, if you take into account everything its been through. i have replaced its fan 2 times and cracked it open countless more to fix other bits. and im on the search for a replacement. but still 'Harold' has served me well

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(Although I do have a few older systems lying about, this one is my gaming rig)

Cyrix 75MHz

16MB of RAM

Hercules 4000XT with 64MB of SDRAM (That\'s right, my graphics card has more memory on it than my motherboard.)

My current gaming rig though, is slightly pathetic by today\'s standards.

Athlon 4200+ X2,

MSI K9n Platinum

2GB corsair CMX2 PC6400

Radeon HD 4870

Screen: Iiyama Prolite E1900S 2ms

:( My computer mouse is worth more than my ram and CPU put together. I remember when she was new and still had my old geforce 7950GT in her and was top of the range, she cost me 1500 euros, screen included. That screen is still one of the best I\'ve ever used by the way, even though it only reaches 1280x1024, it\'s just so very very good and has a near 180 degree viewing angle.

She\'s going to be upgraded with a new mobo, hexacore CPU and perhaps a 6870 or so around christmas time though, and then I\'ll be right up there in the high midrange again for another year or so.

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