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Things to do when you are Bored


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Are you bored or run down from all of the interplanetary work you have been doing? Well here is a list of actions, items, and challenges you can accomplish or create!

* = Bonus


1. Go to the Mun and build a mining facility.

2. Make the largest space station you are able to create around the Mun

*3. Complete the two objectives without killing your crew(s)


1. Create a huge plane

2. Launch kerbals into orbit

3. Use the EVA infinite fuel cheat and go into an orbit from the surface of the Mun to a 500+ (apoapsis) meter orbit

4. Go on the forums and make a list of random challenges or ideas


1. Mining Facility on any planet/moon

2. Glider flying! (Rover going to top speed and then decouple the unpowered glider from the bottom rover)

3. Make a huge space station

4. Get more mods and use them to create a huge base

5. Make a mod.

I was just way to bored with KSP that I decided to make this small list for me and other bored people!

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Yeah, but on the Mun it will take a bit more fuel than 100.00%! On Gilly it may work, on Duna it will work but will take a very (I mean very very) long time, but on the Mun it is in between it really. I don't know about Eeloo though. Maybe I can get into orbit from there too!

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