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Largest Payload to Orbit in a Spaceplane

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The challenge is to get the largest payload to LKO in a spaceplane. The score is the mass of the payload.


1.Payload must be able to be separated.

2.All mods allowed, unless they are designed to blatantly cheat: no hyperedit,ect. Everything else is fine.

3.List all mods used in the creation of your plane

4.You must use FAR

5.Include pictures(on ground and in orbit) and a name for your plane

6.Landing pictures are not necessary.

Leader Boards:

1.Rhino1998-Kondor MK-II 100





My Attempt:

Full Album:http://imgur.com/a/KgO3y#0




The Kondor MK-II can lift exactly 100 tons(that's the most I've tried) to LKO with about 1400 DV to spare.

Uses KW Rocketry, Mechjeb, B9, Pwings, Tri-Hexagonal struts, and FAR

Edited by Rhino1998
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Seems legit...

(Don't you think those mods might be a bit over-powered? Y'know, with the 100 tons to LKO and enough dV to get to get that 100 tons to Low Duna Orbit...?)

Edited by Boex
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