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SAS, is there any trick to it?

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I have built a Inter Planetary Space Cruiser, that I have gotten into orbit legit.


my problem is that with the number of SAS I have, it still turns very slowly. My question does the location of the SAS in relation to the Center of Mass have anything to do with the SAS effectiveness? putting it closer to or further away from the CoM?

or do I just keep stacking SAS until it turns effectively.

Another question, have SAS ever had any kind of bug where they mounted but didn't actually impart any inertial force to the space frame?

EDIT: also, when I do any kind of burn it wants to drift port ward, what could be causing this?


Edited by agentexeider
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SAS is rotational torque.

Steering torque is only applied by things in the "pods" section of the VAB/SPH. SAS/ASAS have absolutely no effect on your ability to steer, only on your ability to keep pointed in a specific direction and/or stop rolling.

B9 Aerospace has two exceptionally awesome 2.5m pod units, heavy drone and the b9 box looking manned capsule which both provide something like 5 times more steering torque than anything else available. Alternatively, you can add tiny probe cores to other surfaces of your ship and they will help turn it (I'm not sure if they need to be facing in the same orientation)

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Alternatively, you can add tiny probe cores to other surfaces of your ship and they will help turn it (I'm not sure if they need to be facing in the same orientation)

I've attached probe cores radially (you have to place cubic struts first) and they work just fine.

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can I add the rotPower = Num parameter to any part and give it steering torque power. I ask because I would like to modify the DSM pack's Centrifuge to do this, or can it only be done by things that have the module = CommandPod parameter?


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Also, would adding TOO many SAS units be causing the torquing issues on burns? (IE, the ship turns to the left when doing a burn?)

EDIT: also what is linpower = (num)? what does this parameter do?

Edited by agentexeider
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Ship turning to the left during a burn is because your centre of mass has moved to one side. Check your fuel loads and balance them between tanks.

SAS stops your ship from "rolling" (ie, q/e on keyboard), it also helps maintain a specific orientation in 3d when doing lower speed burns but your steering torque does more of this.

Also, thanks derek :)

As for the adding the cfg, you'll also need to rebuild the ship because it won't be listed on the cfg in the savefile. But you could definitely test it. or alternatively just add it to the parts in your savefile and see what happens (backup save first)

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As for the adding the cfg, you'll also need to rebuild the ship because it won't be listed on the cfg in the savefile. But you could definitely test it. or alternatively just add it to the parts in your savefile and see what happens (backup save first)
So cant just add it to the parts.cfg file? how do I add into the savefile then?
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Definitely check your fuel balance. All of my three-engine designs in 0.2 (especially ones made in space plane hangar) have fuel transfer to the left tank from the other two no matter how I set up fuel lines to counteract it and it causes me to drift left

I already made a bug report for it :/

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SAS and ASAS can only stop rotation, they can't add to it.

True of SAS, ASAS is a different beast in that by itself it doesn't provide any torque, it only uses other ship parts (RCS, parts with rotPower, and control surfaces) to keep a specific heading.

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Your best bet is to replace those SAS modules with probe cores and add some RTGs to power them. You'll get more torque for turning and, if I'm correct, have an advantage in countering roll, though I might be wrong. I've never tried to build anything like what you have, so there may be issues I'm not aware of.

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