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[0.23]Bolt-On Screenshot System (BOSS) - v2.1.4


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I just want to say Thank You for putting this out and updating it to 0.23.

Ever since the "I Dream of Space" competition, I have loved having this mod. I have a couple of 36"x21" plots around my apartment from using this.

Now that I will be able to have both the Universe Replacer and BOSS back, I am really excited go out and take some beautiful, high-res shots.

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  Katamari said:
I just want to say Thank You for putting this out and updating it to 0.23.

Ever since the "I Dream of Space" competition, I have loved having this mod. I have a couple of 36"x21" plots around my apartment from using this.

Now that I will be able to have both the Universe Replacer and BOSS back, I am really excited go out and take some beautiful, high-res shots.

  Ted said:
I've pushed out the update that synik4l has been working on. I have to say a massive thanks to him, he's really helped out here and the plugin has jumped miles ahead in progress that would have taken me much longer to do.


Thanks man. Glad I could help.

@katamari. I plan to continue development on it. So it should stay up to date for every new version that comes out. Also have a couple fixes made last night that are going to go in today. To handle persistent saving across scene changes. Well get this up asap

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Hmm.... I'm afraid I'm turning into that obnoxious OS-X person that finds every non-Windows issue in everything they use. As of 2.1.4 (and perhaps earlier, haven't updated since sometime last week) I'm no longer able to change any of the settings for BOSS. Values entered into the config.xml file are ignored, and the fields in the BOSS menu only respond with "invalid" when attempting an entry.

The config.xml issues at least have an explanation. Using backslash "\" as a path delimiter doesn't work outside of Windows (or at least doesn't work in UNIX), as is done at line 35/36 of BOSS.cs:

private readonly string kspPluginDataFldr =
System.IO.Path.GetDirectoryName(Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().Location) + @"\PluginData\BOSS\";

Forward slash "/" should work on all three KSP platforms without issue, as Windows (in almost all cases) treats / and \ as equivalents for filesystem operations.

I have no idea what's up with the config screen input issues. :( There's nothing weird in the logs to point towards that one, either.

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Wanted to say thank you for the update. One little thing I noticed was that the screenshots went into GameData, with a filename of BOSS\PluginData\BOSS\normalfilename.ext

I am using linux and it uses / instead of \ to separate directories. Not a big deal, but I thought you would like to know about it.

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  Cydonian Monk said:
Hmm.... I'm afraid I'm turning into that obnoxious OS-X person that finds every non-Windows issue in everything they use. As of 2.1.4 (and perhaps earlier, haven't updated since sometime last week) I'm no longer able to change any of the settings for BOSS. Values entered into the config.xml file are ignored, and the fields in the BOSS menu only respond with "invalid" when attempting an entry.

The config.xml issues at least have an explanation. Using backslash "\" as a path delimiter doesn't work outside of Windows (or at least doesn't work in UNIX), as is done at line 35/36 of BOSS.cs:

private readonly string kspPluginDataFldr =
System.IO.Path.GetDirectoryName(Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().Location) + @"\PluginData\BOSS\";

Forward slash "/" should work on all three KSP platforms without issue, as Windows (in almost all cases) treats / and \ as equivalents for filesystem operations.

I have no idea what's up with the config screen input issues. :( There's nothing weird in the logs to point towards that one, either.

The reason its saying invalid is because you put a key in there that doesnt validate. If you highlight the field and change it back to a key. It will work. Try highlighting the text and hitting z. Im trying to find a better way to let people know how to use that field. As it has to be a valid key to use. Ill take out the invalid thing for now. But know that its not going to work if you dont put a valid key in there. The keys you can use are in the help menu. The saving thing might be why ur settings arent persisting. Im putting out a fix in second

Edited by synik4l
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Can someone on osx or linux try this dll and let me know if that fixes it. I think that should do it. Also removed the invalid text for now. I'll make it add a label below the box stating that the key is invalid. Instead of taking up the box with the text. Thus making it hard to change.

Everything else is the same so just replace your boss.dll in /Gamedata/BOSS/


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  synik4l said:
The reason its saying invalid is because you put a key in there that doesnt validate. If you highlight the field and change it back to a key. It will work. Try highlighting the text and hitting z. Im trying to find a better way to let people know how to use that field. As it has to be a valid key to use. Ill take out the invalid thing for now. But know that its not going to work if you dont put a valid key in there. The keys you can use are in the help menu.

Except that it says invalid for every key I press. Including Z.

In practice I can't use Z, as I need that for fine controls, as OS-X doesn't pass CapsLock through to Unity... and I'm out of normal keys beyond that. (@ works with the old version, and is listed as valid in the help, and for me is right next to P so it's convenient for this plugin, too.....)

Thanks for addressing the path issue. :)

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  Cydonian Monk said:
Except that it says invalid for every key I press. Including Z.

In practice I can't use Z, as I need that for fine controls, as OS-X doesn't pass CapsLock through to Unity... and I'm out of normal keys beyond that. (@ works with the old version, and is listed as valid in the help, and for me is right next to P so it's convenient for this plugin, too.....)

Thanks for addressing the path issue. :)

I got what your saying. But what im saying though. is did you highlight the text and press z? because you cant just backspace. That was the problem. I couldnt get the text to go away either by backspacing.

but either way. I just removed that text for now. So in the new build its gone. you have no notification of an invalid key for now though. So just FYI. So you may have to test if they key works. I grabbed that list from here. So they should work.


Did you try the new one yet?

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  synik4l said:
I got what your saying. But what im saying though. is did you highlight the text and press z? because you cant just backspace. That was the problem. I couldnt get the text to go away either by backspacing.

Yes, that's one of the things I tried. Seems bugged, somehow. Perhaps highlighting the text is itself being detected as a keystroke by Unity? No idea. One possible suggestion: A button to remap the key, so instead of highlighting and replacing it simply captures the next keystroke? No idea how difficult that would be to implement though, and editing the config is fine by me, so feel free to ignore that. ;)

  synik4l said:
Did you try the new one yet?

Just did. Saving and reloading the config file now works (and everything else, of course). Thanks!

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  Cydonian Monk said:
Yes, that's one of the things I tried. Seems bugged, somehow. Perhaps highlighting the text is itself being detected as a keystroke by Unity? No idea. One possible suggestion: A button to remap the key, so instead of highlighting and replacing it simply captures the next keystroke? No idea how difficult that would be to implement though, and editing the config is fine by me, so feel free to ignore that. ;)

Just did. Saving and reloading the config file now works (and everything else, of course). Thanks!

Perfect thx for testing it. Also I just made it so there's a label below the text field. That says "invalid key" whenever its wrong. Was quick to implement and looks pretty good. But that would be a great idea. There has to be a way to CAPTURE the key pressed(that is what you mean right?). and set that keys value to the input field. Instead of typing the actual letter that was pressed. I like that idea. I will figure this out and add that in an upcoming release.

But anyways. I'm rebuilding this and pushing it up to git. So you guys can grab it quickly if you want and then. and I will rebuild the package and send it over to Ted to put on spaceport.

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  synik4l said:
Okay I made those changes. Until Ted can get the update pushed up heres the dll on github

Everything else is the same so just replace your boss.dll in /Gamedata/BOSS/


and for anyone who needs the whole updated package.


Almost perfect, but now the screenshot key also toggles the GUI... Could that be decoupled?

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  papics said:
Almost perfect, but now the screenshot key also toggles the GUI... Could that be decoupled?

weird..lemme look....

edit: could it be ur setting ur screenshot key to p? Because that is the default toggle UI key. this can be changed in the config.xml

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  papics said:
Whoops :) Thanks, if I don't report back, that was the problem :)

Awesome I hope thats it.

Does anyone have any interest in having that field be a settable option from the UI as well? I could add another field for that.

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  synik4l said:
Awesome I hope thats it.

Does anyone have any interest in having that field be a settable option from the UI as well? I could add another field for that.

Just as a quick report, indeed, everything works now. (If not so much effort to implement that extra field, for future generations, it might be handy. For me, I do not think there is anything else I would need from this mod :))

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  papics said:
Just as a quick report, indeed, everything works now. (If not so much effort to implement that extra field, for future generations, it might be handy. For me, I do not think there is anything else I would need from this mod :))

Okay great. Yeah ill add that to the next release. Its not much to add that.

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There is one thing I noticed, but I am not exactly sure when and how it occurs... Something like this: it seems that after a load (first startup / load of a flight or on the launch pad), the supersampling value is 1 even if the saved value is something else. I need to open the UI and take a shot from there for it to change. From there on, everything works as supposed...

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  papics said:
There is one thing I noticed, but I am not exactly sure when and how it occurs... Something like this: it seems that after a load (first startup / load of a flight or on the launch pad), the supersampling value is 1 even if the saved value is something else. I need to open the UI and take a shot from there for it to change. From there on, everything works as supposed...

hmm. Do you have the burst fire window open? Because its locked to 1. when that window is open

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  synik4l said:
hmm. Do you have the burst fire window open? Because its locked to 1. when that window is open

Ok, did a test today. Just started the game, loaded my save and when in the KSC screen, pressed my screenshot key (set to p). This resulted in a shot with supersampling of 1. Then I did it once more, again a shot with ss 1. Then I from the toolbar opened the gui (it said ss 3) and closed it without changing anything. Then I pressed the sc key again, which resulted in a shot with ss 3. It seems that the setting is only loaded when the gui is opened up. Can you reproduce this?

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  papics said:
Ok, did a test today. Just started the game, loaded my save and when in the KSC screen, pressed my screenshot key (set to p). This resulted in a shot with supersampling of 1. Then I did it once more, again a shot with ss 1. Then I from the toolbar opened the gui (it said ss 3) and closed it without changing anything. Then I pressed the sc key again, which resulted in a shot with ss 3. It seems that the setting is only loaded when the gui is opened up. Can you reproduce this?

try deleting ur config.xml in your /GameData/BOSS/PluginData/BOSS folder. and try again. I cant get this to happen. Also if it does happen. open your config.xml at that point. and paste it in here. I'm thinking maybe over the updates. possibly something got screwed up in that file. As its been sorta changed.

EDIT: actually I did get it to happen. Your right for some reason when the UI is opened. Upon scene change it isnt loaded. But thats odd cus, I load the settings on awake(). That's like immediately upon load. It actually says it loads in the debug window. But then when I take a shot it takes it at 1 till I open the window. So i'll look into why the values are getting set unless the windows exist.

another edit: Just figured out why. I'll have a fix out for it by tomorrow or monday(its alil tricky). As i'm also making it so when you set a key. Its more like binding a key. Than typing the keycode in a field. So i'm changing the text fields to buttons. and once you hit the corresponding button you can set either showUI or the ss key. Thanks again papics. helping me narrow down the bugs :-)

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  • 4 weeks later...

anyone else getting severe lag from this, outside of taking screenshots?

i may be.... oddly enough, ksp is only useing 15% cpu, and 1.7gb of ram... well within normal.... and yet, i'm getting a 14:1 timescale

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