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I thought my 450 ton Zeus Mothership was big....

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Eve Ranger (hopefully going to land on Eve and take off with it) - 675 tons


However, despite that, I still think my Zeus Mothership is so much cooler looking

Zeus Mothership -



675 friggin' tons to space! That has to be a record of some sort.

Edited by alex the killa
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Just curious about this massive thing. Is it a single stage? Or multi stage?

What is the mass after it reaches eve orbit from the surface? It looks like just a single kerbal, so I'm slightly curious why its so large

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Just curious about this massive thing. Is it a single stage? Or multi stage?

What is the mass after it reaches eve orbit from the surface? It looks like just a single kerbal, so I'm slightly curious why its so large

I think It is that size so that the craft can return to Kerbin from Eve because Eve's atmosphere is to thick for a smaller one. I think this because all of my craft that I take to Eve never return because they have to little fuel.

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I'll upload the craft file after I land on Eve and return :P Also - know that the ship is finnicky and random parts blow up, fall off, and stop working, so you have to be able to see that and react to get it into orbit lol

Like this trip 2 engines (non-symmetrically) fell off and I had to react to that, and two fuel tanks fell off, and other stuff blew up. AND I STILL GOT IT TO SPACE. lol

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It was on KLF I don't think he shared the craft, but it was 4 tall SRB's, 4 32 tanks with skippers on them, and a 32 + 16 tank with (equivelant of 4x LVN) a 240kn LVN from a mod pack. It's literally 4x LVN's in one, including the extra mass so it's balanced but fewer parts

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It won't be till July 5'th, I'm currently on the other side of the country with my family, and as "awesome" as the unity engine is, it doesn't let me play KSP on my iPhone lol.

Family comes first tho :)

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