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Redneck Rockets Press release.

Redneck Rockets Inc.

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We have called this press conference to discuss the recent 'Satellite Incident'. As you all know, our Space Program has grown by leaps and bounds in the last few days. We credit these recent advances to our determined highway cleanup crew. Without their help we could have never achieved the advances we have.

We would also like to give a heartfelt thank you to all the resilient kitizens who live near the KSP. Without their steadfast determination to rebuild their houses so quickly, we would have had to shut down our program due to that troublesome 'crimes against kermanity' law.

Now, to the matter at hand. We would like to announce the successful orbit of our first satellite. Its in a pretty stable orbit of 98,000m to 96,500m on a heading of 237 degrees. Although we consider this a great achievement, several problems did arise during the mission.

One of these problems was the loss of thruster fuel on the way to orbit. Jebadiah was confident that this would not be a problem in the future. He was also confident that this was only a minor problem for our satellite launch. Turns out he was right.

The biggest problem arose when started to jettison our satellite. We haven\'t figured out how this happened yet, but somehow during the satellite jettison our crews de-orbit stage was jettisoned at the same time. Bob and Bill tell me this is a 'huge freakin problem' and something about 'we\'re all going to die' Jeb is confident that this 'only prolongs our time in space'. Jeb seems very excited about this new development, as we all are, here at KSP. Not only did we launch one satellite, we launched 2, with the same spacecraft.

We would like to put an end to these rumors that our brave crew is 'never coming back'. We are confident that our crew will return one day. All of our scientists here at Redneck Rockets Inc. promise us that the crew will return. They said they would 'get back to us' on when we can expect this joyous homecoming.

We are very proud of our new space program and hope you will continue to choose Redneck Rockets for all your space needs.

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