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Build a moon Base/Drive away, came back, it explodes.....[Help]

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Hey guys,

first, sorry for my english ;D

Yeah, i have a big problem with my Mun Station, i build the core/headquarter(dont no the right word:/), land it; landed a "normal lander" with some rover in the same area, then i wanted to dock my "conection parts" to it. So i started landed,

but very far away, i land it 11 kilometer away from it, so i take a transport rover which docks under the part so i can place it where i want. After long driving, i finally arrived the base, and then..:mad: I drived over a little hill, the "headquarter" exploded and flip to the right.. And the lander with the rover was away...

So, what happend?!?!?!? :mad:

See the following pics....


How it looks "headquarter", before i drived...


The lander with the transport rovers


Here you see both, there are about 500 meter or something like that between them.


Here you see the "connecting strutere part, based on docking.


How i transport them...




Sorry, but my landerer was away, my "headqaurter" is useless and yeah...

So whats the problem ?

Happend that, beacause i drived so far away or what??

Please help :/

Mfg Regnium

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I had the same, the thing you probobly did wrong is that some of your parts collided into eaachother causing a bug or something, so, the thing you should do next time is to make sure your "collide" thingy in cheat menu is OFF, and try to build a base over again.

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But i dont want to cheat :/ And sorry for the stupid question, whats does it does "" "collide" thingy in cheat menu is OFF "" (english ins´t my motherlanguae and i just basiccliy start playing a few weeks ago playing...

Mfg Regnium

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I think he's suggesting that you disable part clipping in the editor when designing your base. Press Alt+F12 and click "Allow Part Clipping in Editors" to enable/disable it. This will let you design ships with parts that overlap.

I think it would be a good idea to make the bottom part of the headquarters wider so that it can't tip over so easily. I would also suggest you add some struts to the 'headquarters' part and join the top and bottom structure. Other than that, there's not much that can be done.

Good luck! Hope your next base works out better.

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something similar happened to me too. I had a nice Duna base complex. i drove with my rover to a nearby probe (15-16 km away) and when I returned... I was only 150 meters away when I saw all of my stuff just randomly combusting and flying away... dont know why.. of course the Kerbal government told the citizens that there was a mistake with the fuel connections; when a poor kerbal tried to open the lights.. he turned on the engine and everything just went nutts. the people of course, knowing the retardness of most of their designs did not think of it as something worth talkig about.

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Quick Save and Quick Load are your friend.

I had a situation where I had a ship in orbit, and was getting ready to burn for the Mun. It had 5 large orange tanks, 5 mainsails, 3 large RCS tanks on top of the center tank, and my payload. F5 for quick save. The window for transfer opened up, full throttle, BLAMO, the thing exploded. I said "WTF" in long format and out loud. Quick-Load, lined up, full throttle, no problems.

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How? It was stable on ground, on many landing legs. As i arrived it just explodes and jumps 10 metters inoto the air... There were no engies which can explode or throttle up, after the landing, i decopeld them.

And isn´t that cheating Alt+F12 / disabling part cippling?

MY mun base :'(

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