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How to tell my Exact Orbital Inclination?

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I've tried launching and er... um rolling off the launch pad a small satellite with transmitter... calling it Kerbin Radio. I can see it from orbit from one of my orbiting satellites, however I can't set that ground transmitter as a target, and thus get relative inclinations. Anyone else have an idea to measure one's orbital inclinations relative to a planet's equator in KSP?

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You might want to consider mods like MechJeb or Kerbal Engineer Redux (and possible a few more).

Mechjeb and Kerbal Engineer would work, and I know the the mun is in a perfect 0 degree inclination orbit around kerbin. For this reason you could just target the mun and look at the relative inclination, but that would only work in kerbin orbit.

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A variant on flaglore's idea is to put a satelite at an approximate equatorial orbit and compare your inclination relative to that. It isn't as precise as using the Mun but it works for other planets/moons as well...

... Or you can download mechjeb.

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All good suggestions about using the Mun as a reference point but that will only give you an equatorial orbit. You still do not get any info on anything else.

How do you do a good job of that though?

How? Well ... you can use Mun as a reference. Damn, that was suggestion on the first place.

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The idea is to avoid using modifications and just use the stock game.I'll see if I can update the campaign article with the idea to use the Mun as the reference point.

Edit: Brilliant idea. It only works in Kerbin SOI, but it works perfectly for the Ages of Satellites campaign. For other planets I'll let people know it's ok to use mechjeb - but only for reference points and not actual control.

Edited by inigma
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