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KNN Breaking Kerbin news from around the globe


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KSP-(KNN) A defective command module has been linked to the deaths of thousands and caused over 9 billion in damages.

It was discovered soon after the launch of Jebediah Kerman's Junkyard and Spaceship Parts Companies new PPD-12 Cupola Module that something was wrong, "Spaceships would rip themselves apart if you stopped looking at them, but as soon as you looked at them again bang" one astronaut was quoted. While the exact cause of the mysterious observer effect induced explosions still remain a mystery despite all efforts to replicate(no cats ever came apart when they opened the test boxes). all future PPD-12 Cupola Modules are being manufactured with an A.I. program that observes itself all the time.

While the main target market for the cupola was space stations and orbital platforms. The Scientists at KSP were "Strapping them on to everything we could."

Approximate number of kerbal fatalities caused by the faulty cupola module is estimated to be well over 9000. Jebediah Kerman's Junkyard and Spaceship Parts Co. has somehow avoided any and all liability and has not yet formally apologized. When pressed for comment Jebediah stated "At least half of those fatalities would have happened even without the faulty module." This has caused mixed emotions. While some kerbals are angry, most point out the fact that we are buying our space program parts from a junkyard so defects are to be expected.

Edited by Oxytropis
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