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[1.0.X - Experimental] [On Hold] FusTek Station Parts (WIPs on GitHub)


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That's a more likely oversight than the other possibility. I'm recalling how Sumghai mentioned wanting to change the Kupola as it wasn't intended as a control component, and the explanation sounded like it has bearing on this. In the meantime, I suppose an individual user could change things either way to suit what they want.

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Um. You forgot one:


...actually, all the parts other than the big modules seem to still have old torque but no new torque.

Why would an airlock have torque? Or the kupola, considering what Sumghai had said about his design intent for it. If I'm understanding the system, only modules that can be used as control systems should have torque - that being, SAS systems/reaction wheels and probe cores/command pods (or any module that can be used in the same fashion).

Controlling a ship from an airlock seems unlikely and might explain why those values were deliberately omitted. Of course, I could be wrong - in which case we may see a hotfix.

Well, if they were deliberately omitted, the pre-.21 torque configuration should also be removed, because it still works. :)
That's a more likely oversight than the other possibility. I'm recalling how Sumghai mentioned wanting to change the Kupola as it wasn't intended as a control component, and the explanation sounded like it has bearing on this. In the meantime, I suppose an individual user could change things either way to suit what they want.

I'll definitely look into this later today, and upload a stealth patch - the full-length crew-capable Karmony modules and the Kupola should be the only ones that have SAS / Reaction Wheels.

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Stealth patch for R0.03.2a uploaded

CFG change only - this removes the last of the old 0.20+ RCS / Torque code left over in the Kirs and Kuest modules

If you do not wish to redownload the whole pack just for this fix, you can edit the appropriate CFGs and delete the appropriate lines.

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looks cool, but i don't do space stations, i would get it though :)

Despite the moniker "Station Parts Pack", people have also used these parts for building everything from planetary bases to interplanetary spaceships.

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Yup. I can totally see me using these as a basis for a deep space exploration vessel. They look awesome and the modular nature of them makes them super-useful and versatile.

I hadn't used them for a while until I waited for the .21 update and the extra new parts (Kupola, Legacy Kuest Airlock and Kirks Docking port) make it a really good space station builder.

Some things you could work on in addition are:

Radiator Arrays (work like solar arrays but sit at 90-degrees to the sun)

Station-size Solar Arrays (or at least some cool looking trusses to mount Gigantors on)

A lighter, less bulky version of Fusty's K1 truss with some SAS (it was a pig to fly into orbit)

Otherwise I'm loving it lots :)

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Having Mechjeb in each module seems to accrue a lot of CPU usage - even a small 60part station with mostly fustek will induce a way higher CPU load/fps compared to the same station where I edited out all the mechjeb modules.

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Yeah, that's what I did, and its a significant performance improvement. Even then though, these parts seem to cause a lot of load on lowpart stations when others don't. My station core made up up only Fustek is < 50 parts and i'm getting ~10fps. A B9 200+ parts station meanwhile does great on 30+fps.I havent ruled out if its specific parts (the cupola seems to cause a lot of load), but it's significant nonetheless.

Don't get me wrong, I love the parts - but there's something about them that makes them very performance-heavy, even in the VAB compared to similar parts. Dragging an 8+ fustek part station in the VAB takes way longer and is choppier than dragging anything with 10 times the parts.

This thing for instance takes several seconds to 'load' when dragging and is at < 10fps while it's selected. It's 45 parts total.


A 120+ other station is much faster to drag/edit.

Edited by waffleface
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Some things you could work on in addition are:

Radiator Arrays (work like solar arrays but sit at 90-degrees to the sun)

Interesting idea - I'll definitely look into this in the distant future. Would be useful if heating/cooling effects became relevant to the game.

Station-size Solar Arrays (or at least some cool looking trusses to mount Gigantors on)

I used to use the Balka Solar Wings from CBBP's Kosmos pack - very large and two axes suntracking just like the ones on the real ISS. However, when switching between flights, the Balka's animation states are not saved correctly, resulting in retracted panels that still track the sun and generate electricity. I offered CBBP a workaround (namely, to slightly alter his model in Unity and tweak his CFG), but apparently CBBP is so furious that KSP didn't support multiple animations per part, he's vermently refused any requests from users to fix it.

I'm tempted to make my own version with proper animation state saving, but that will be for R0.05a/R0.06a.

A lighter, less bulky version of Fusty's K1 truss with some SAS (it was a pig to fly into orbit)

I wouldn't really consider the original K1 to be a truss, given that it has the appearance of thick metal slabs.

Right now I'm using Semni's THSS truss parts, but a whitened lattice truss system with a flattened trapezoidal profile would be quite nice. But we'll see.

Having Mechjeb in each module seems to accrue a lot of CPU usage - even a small 60part station with mostly fustek will induce a way higher CPU load/fps compared to the same station where I edited out all the mechjeb modules.
You can easily remove the MechJeb module by editing the .CFG files:

Just delete this part from each:

Yeah, that's what I did, and its a significant performance improvement. Even then though, these parts seem to cause a lot of load on lowpart stations when others don't. My station core made up up only Fustek is < 50 parts and i'm getting ~10fps. A B9 200+ parts station meanwhile does great on 30+fps.I havent ruled out if its specific parts (the cupola seems to cause a lot of load), but it's significant nonetheless.

Don't get me wrong, I love the parts - but there's something about them that makes them very performance-heavy, even in the VAB compared to similar parts. Dragging an 8+ fustek part station in the VAB takes way longer and is choppier than dragging anything with 10 times the parts.

This thing for instance takes several seconds to 'load' when dragging and is at < 10fps while it's selected. It's 45 parts total.


A 120+ other station is much faster to drag/edit.

*Massive sigh*

In order to ensure compatibility with fusty's original parts, I had to keep the recessed docking port attachment nodes, which necessitated multiple convex colliders - a single concave collider would have better performance, but it is general knowledge that KSP does not support concave colliders. Other than that, the geometry of the modules are simple cylinders with tapered ends and the occasional recess; the fancy panelling are just normal maps.

R0.01a/R0.02a had some performance issues with complex colliders, and I've done my best to optimize them. Any more optimizing and the parts would become completely unusable.

But I think your biggest problem is that you're using the WRONG approach to space station design - you are not supposed to build the entire station in one giant ungainly assembly in the VAB. Rather, add docking ports to each individual module, launch them separately and then dock them in orbit.

What are the specs of your computer, and what mods do you have installed?

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question? why does the warehouse module still you spare parts instead of rocket parts after i downloaded the new version?

Must be a borked version - updated and reuploaded.

do i have to rename the resource myself to fix it or what?

There's no need to be that abrasive.

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sorry about that but i have been facing bugs all week and just barely getting them fixed

Edit: i should also mention that when i tried renaming it it had caused nullspace to occur with only fustek parts so yeah

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sorry about that but i have been facing bugs all week and just barely getting them fixed

Still doesn't excuse you from doing so.

Edit: i should also mention that when i tried renaming it it had caused nullspace to occur with only fustek parts so yeah

Restart KSP and see if that still happens.

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Yeah, those trusses look nice.

Been building my first station using these parts. The only issue I find myself running into is the FPS hit when i have several modules on the station. Even tried to conserve part count. its not super bad, but i run a fairly beefy system, and most mods do nothing to slow my system down.

I like the assortment of parts for sure. Glad to have them. Some cool IVA's would be cool and perhaps make the skin shiner? to look more like the ISS skin.

Its a really cool set of parts, wish Scott would do a video with them.

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