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Launching KSP with -popupwindow at a specified position

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So, i have added -popupwindow to my KSP-Link to make KSP run in a frameless windowed mode. Is there a way to specify the window position? Currently, KSP opens always centered on my screen (which i would like to change)

I'd also like to find out about this. It seems there must be something simple, but I can't think what.

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I've created a little AutoHotKey script that does the following:

  1. Launches KSP with -popupwindow.
  2. Moves the resulting KSP window to the top-left of the desktop
  3. And minimizes KSP when it's inactive.
  4. It also includes a HotKey for ultra-fine mouse movements - very handy when editing ships in the VAB and SPH.

If anyone wants to use this, but doesn't want to install AutoHotKey, I'll put a stand-alone executable version on my site (siggy).

;; Ezriilc's KSP AutoHotKey script.

;; To engage fine mouse movements, press the Mouse4/Thumb1/Back button while holding CTRL; release CTRL to disengage.
;; WARNING! This temporarily changes your Windows mouse settings.
;; If for some reason it crashes, you may need to set it back in the Control Panel.

#SingleInstance force
SendMode InputThenPlay

KSP_path := "C:\MyDocs\Games\Kerbal Space Program\ksp-win-0-21-1"
win_title := "Kerbal Space Program ahk_class UnityWndClass"

IfWinNotExist, %win_title%
Run, "%KSP_path%\KSP.exe" -popupwindow, "%KSP_path%"

WinWait, %win_title%,, 30
DllCall("SystemParametersInfo", UInt, 0x70, UInt, 0, UIntP, RatSpeedOrig, UInt, 0)
;; Set RatSpeedOrig to existing mouse speed from Windows (0x70 gets, 0x71 sets).
RatSpeedRetard = 1
IfWinActive, %win_title%
WinMove, %win_title%,, 0, 0
SetTimer KSP_active, -1
SetTimer KSP_inactive, -1
SetTimer StartAnnounce, -1

Return ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; End of auto-execute ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;

WinWait, %win_title%,, 30
WinRestore, %win_title%
WinMove, %win_title%,, 0, 0
WinWaitNotActive, %win_title%
Goto KSP_inactive
IfWinNotExist, %win_title%
WinWait, %win_title%,, 30
WinMinimize, %win_title%
WinWaitActive, %win_title%
Goto KSP_active

note_start = 37 ;; Min: 37
note_stop = 5000 ;; Max: 32767 (don't)
note_step = 200
note_length = 3
note_span := note_stop - note_start
if(note_span < 0){
note_span -= note_span * 2
note_count := note_span / note_step

GoSub UpSound
GoSub DownSound
; GoSub UpSound
TrayTip Ezriilc's Smart Rat's got it goin' on!, CTRL + Back Thumb = Fine mouse control. `n Back Thumb only = Shift., 15
note_curr := note_start
Loop % note_count{
SoundBeep note_curr, note_length
note_curr += note_step
note_curr := note_stop
Loop % note_count{
SoundBeep note_curr, note_length
note_curr -= note_step
SoundBeep 840, 5
Sleep 100
SoundBeep 840, 5

#If WinActive(win_title)
~*XButton1:: ;; Back thumb button.
GetKeyState, CTRL_state, Control, P
if(CTRL_state = "D"){
DllCall("SystemParametersInfo", UInt, 0x71, UInt, 0, Ptr, RatSpeedRetard, UInt, 0)
GoSub UpSound
SetTimer UpSound, -1
SetTimer TicSound, 2000
KeyWait Control
DllCall("SystemParametersInfo", UInt, 0x71, UInt, 0, Ptr, RatSpeedOrig, UInt, 0)
SetTimer TicSound, Off
GoSub DownSound
SetTimer DownSound, -1
DllCall("SystemParametersInfo", UInt, 0x71, UInt, 0, Ptr, RatSpeedOrig, UInt, 0)
Send {Shift Down}
SetTimer UpSound, -1
SetTimer TicSound, 2000
KeyWait XButton1
Send {Shift Up}
SetTimer TicSound, Off
SetTimer DownSound, -1

#If WinActive("ahk_class Notepad++")

Edited by Ezriilc
typo in code
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