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Hey Guys!!!


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Hey guys,

I'm wondering if anyone could help with me launching (I mean building the rocket) stuff that I have created and would love to see spinning around the world. Because every time I make something, I just can't get it in to orbit because it just doesn't have enough power, fuel and so on. The only thing I am good at is moving while in orbit and making things that can't get out of the atmosphere.

I need the ship to land on the mun with enough fuel to land at 10 m/s

If you want to see what I want to launch:


If you want the ship, here:


(If you do download the ship, please delete all the stuff below the two large S.A.S's and then start)

If you have any suggestions, thanks.

Also if you could be a person I could commonly refer to, that would be great!:)

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I would suggest going to the spacecraft exchange and downloading one of the awesome mun landers that are posted there.

As far as help, you will find the forum quite good in that regard, just post a question and someone will suggest an answer.

For a simple orbiter, try getting a big orange tank and the largest engine (1500Kn) a decoupler,then the 650Kn engine and a rockomax-32 fuel tank, another decoupler and a NERVA connected to another rockomax 16 with a single kerbal pod on top (with a parachute if you like)

that should get to orbit. Should carry your lander too. might even get you to mun. Might even get you anywhere in the system if piloted right. It can land on Mun and go home and even just about land back at KSC. I just launched it to orbit and it has about 8000Dv spare once you are in LKO@80Km which is a lot.

Just did a test mission to mun and it can do it fine. Put those parts together and you will have a capable ship.


To enable proper lifter/payload design you will need subassembly loader which will allow you to save a bunch of parts like a ship but you can load and save them to add to whatever ship you are designing. Very essential.

Edited by John FX
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